Jackie Earle Haley


Face beauty Score image

Analysis of face is completed with a face score of 6.29 out of 10 and it finds you averagely attractive. Your objective face score is 22.86 out of 100. The report below details front face analysis, face shape analysis, skin analysis, gender analysis, Perceived age analysis and facial fat deposit levels. You can also find personalised styling suggestions.

The attractiveness of multiple facial features contributes to overall facial attractiveness. The American University of Beirut Medical Center study says beauty and facial attractiveness are easily identified but difficult to quantify. Despite its subjective nature, we can attempt to define, measure, and explain the captivating phenomenon of beauty by describing it numerically and geometrically.
Hence, a single feature does not determine attractiveness because it depends on how well that feature harmonizes with the face. The unit of measurement we used here is Interpupillary Distance (IPD). If you want to know what an objective face score is, read it here: Subjective vs Objective Beauty Score.

Face Beauty Score 1-10

Face Frontal Analysis Summary

Do you know what makes you attractive? Your best features are the Mouth Width to Nose Width Ratio, Nose Width, and Eye-To-EyeBrow Margin. Also, you may want to know your features that need special attention. Your features that require improvements are Jaw Angle, Eyebrow Thickness, and Bi-Zygomatic to Face Height Ratio.


Your Mouth Width To Nose Width Ratio is 1.73 and the ideal value is 1.43. The larger the value, the better it is. This feature dramatically impacts your perceived attractiveness, and you have a fair score for this feature.

Why is a larger ratio of Mouth Width to Nose Width attractive?

A larger ratio of mouth-width to nose-width is considered attractive. Research shows that the width of a person’s mouth compared to their nose can influence how attractive they’re perceived to be. Dawei et al. study in 1997 found that a mouth width about 1.5 times larger than the nose width is generally seen as more attractive. This was supported by Farkas et al. in 2007, who found that many North American men have this ratio. So, if someone’s mouth is the same size or smaller than their nose, it might not look as appealing to others. Another study by Hage and colleagues in 1997 mentioned that men with wider mouths appear more masculine. Lastly, Cunningham’s research in 1990 revealed that a smaller nose width is often associated with a manly facial appearance. In simple terms, for many people, a broader mouth and a smaller nose on men seem more attractive.

Read the detailed study with exact scientific references

Celebrities with Larger Mouth Width to Nose Width Ratio

Celebrities with Ideal Mouth Width to Nose Width Ratio

Celebrities with Smaller Mouth Width to Nose Width Ratio

Face Shape Analysis Summary

Your face shape is diamond. Cheekbones are the broadest feature of your face. You have a narrow forehead and chin compared to the cheekbones, which are the most prominent part of the face. Your chin is pointed, and you have high cheekbones. You do not have a wide hairline. The hairline is usually small and circular around the edges.

Face shape image

Skin Analysis Summary

Your overall Skin Quality score is 3.53/10. Your skin needs more care and attention. Regular skincare practices can help rejuvenate it.

Skin Score 1-10

The assessment of skin quality can be precisely determined by examining four major aspects: the degree of pigmentation, the presence of texture, the level of oiliness, and the presence of rhytides.
Skin pigmentation is assessed by examining the evenness and depth of coloration. Variations in skin pigmentation lead to the identification of four levels of discoloration, which include spots or patches of any size. These levels are categorized into four stages as follows: No visible pigmentation, Mild pigmentation, Moderate pigmentation, and Severe pigmentation.
Skin texture refers to the feel of someone’s skin when touched, which can range from Smooth, Textured, Rough, and Bumpy based on surface irregularities and variations in the skin. The key to sorting skin texture is how you feel if you touch the face with your fingers. This can be classified into four categories: Smooth, Textured, Rough, and Bumby.
When it comes to oiliness, we commonly break it down into four distinct categories, each defined by the skin’s appearance: Dry Skin, Normal Skin, Combination Skin, and Oily Skin.
Lastly, rhytides, or skin lines and wrinkles, offer another dimension to the evaluation of skin quality.They can be categorized into four levels based on their visibility and severity: No Visible Lines, Fine Lines but no wrinkles, Early Wrinkles, and Deep Wrinkles.
These four factors combined can help deliver a comprehensive overview of skin quality.

Sexual Dimorphism Analysis Summary

You are very masculine, with great features of sexual dimorphism.

Sexual Dimorphism Score 1-6

Fat Deposit Analysis Summary

Analysis of your face shows you have a fat deposit percentage of 10.05% and finds you have only the minimum necessary amount of fat deposit. Maintaining a low level of fat deposit helps you to keep your attractiveness.

Fat Deposit 10% - 30%

Age Analysis

Analyze perceived age from facial features, assessing several key attributes. Find how each feature can contribute to age perception.

Personalised Plans

Assess your Facial Aesthetics and Get your personalised Improvement Plans.

Create Your Report

In an era where personalization is not just valued but expected, we are thrilled to introduce our service that caters to the individual's quest for their best self. Our cutting-edge AI-driven analysis goes beyond the surface, offering a comprehensive understanding of your unique facial features and skin health. It's not just about enhancing beauty; it's about embracing a personalized approach to celebrate and elevate your natural features.

Tailored Skincare Routines: Products chosen based on your skin's specific needs, targeting areas that will benefit most from intervention.

Customized Nutrition Advice: Dietary recommendations to enhance your skin's natural glow from the inside out.

Lifestyle Modifications: Suggestions for small but impactful lifestyle changes that can improve skin health and overall wellness.

Aesthetic Enhancements: Non - invasive options and cosmetic guidance to accentuate your features while maintaining a natural look.

Interesting Facts

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