For men, a smooth skin texture is more attractive than a rough skin texture. Little and Hancock (2002) emphasize that both shape and texture, particularly smooth texture, contribute to attractiveness, associating smooth skin with health and youth. Jones et al. (2004) find that skin health and symmetry affect attractiveness, noting that symmetrical faces are perceived as healthier, even when shape cues are minimized. Lastly, Fink et al. (2006) confirm that smooth skin texture directly correlates with higher attractiveness ratings, independent of facial shape, underscoring skin’s health and appearance as key factors.

A study was published by Little and Hancock (2002) in the British Journal of Psychology titled “The role of masculinity and distinctiveness in judgments of human male facial attractiveness” suggests that both the shape and texture of a face contribute to perceptions of attractiveness in males, emphasizing that a smooth skin texture is particularly appealing. The reference to “average texture cues” indicates that smooth skin, often associated with femininity, is also found attractive in male faces. This can be attributed to the general preference for smooth skin as a sign of health and youth, qualities that are universally appealing regardless of gender.

The study by Jones et al. (2004) indicates that male facial attractiveness is not only influenced by symmetry but also by the healthiness of the skin. Specifically, it was found that males with symmetrical faces were perceived to have healthier skin compared to those with asymmetrical faces. Moreover, even when facial shape influences were minimized, texture still played significant roles in maintaining attractiveness related to symmetry. This suggests that smooth skin texture enhances the attractiveness of male faces, underlining the importance of skin quality in perceptions of male beauty.

Additionally, an article published in Evolution and Human Behavior by Fink et al. (2006) indicates a smooth skin texture is more attractive for men. It specifically mentions, “ratings of attractiveness of small skin patches extracted from the left and right cheeks of male facial images significantly correlated with ratings of facial attractiveness.” This highlights that the condition of skin, observed in small patches, directly impacts the overall perception of attractiveness. Furthermore, it states that the “apparent health of skin influences male facial attractiveness, independent of shape information,” reinforcing that the quality and appearance of skin (implying smoothness and health) are critical in determining attractiveness.

Little, A. C., & Hancock, P. J. (2002). The role of masculinity and distinctiveness in judgments of human male facial attractiveness. British Journal of Psychology, 93(4), 451-464.
Jones, B. C., Little, A. C., Feinberg, D. R., Penton-Voak, I. S., Tiddeman, B. P., & Perrett, D. I. (2004). The relationship between shape symmetry and perceived skin condition in male facial attractiveness. Evolution and Human Behavior, 25(1), 24-30.
Fink, B., Grammer, K., & Matts, P. J. (2006). Visible skin color distribution plays a role in the perception of age, attractiveness, and health in female faces. Evolution and Human Behavior, 27(6), 433-442.