Bald or Shaved: No hair at all. 2. Buzz Cut: Very short hair, typically less than an inch long, all around the head. 3. Short Hair, Ear Length: Hair that extends to the top of the ears. 4. Short Hair, Earlobe Length: Hair that extends to the bottom of the ears. 5. Short Bob: Hair […]
Category: Uncategorized

Summary A larger bi-temporal width in comparison to bi-zygomatic width is considered attractive among males. A study reported that an attractive male face was found to have a longer, more dolichocephalic shape compared to strong, dominant, and masculine-rated men. Unattractive faces often featured a rounded lower face, a vertically stretched chin region, and horizontal compression […]
Makeup Tips To Slim A Wide Nose

We often do not feel happy with the way we look. Sometimes we wish my eyes would have been a bit larger, the lips would have been fuller or the nose would have been slimmer. Now, there are plenty of makeup techniques that can help you to get temporary touch ups and come up with […]

Do You Dislike Your Nose? A lot of people dislike certain parts of their physical appearance. Nose shape is probably the most disliked of all parts so many people wish to change it. However, for permanent change there is no other option than getting under the knife. There are temporary ways to deceive the eyes of an […]

If you are looking to boost your level of attractiveness, one thing you might consider is your complexion. Much attention tends to be paid to having clear skin. However, the actual tone of your skin could be even more important in how others perceive you. Get a rosy skin tone with PinkMirror today! The Skin Tones: […]