For females, wrinkle-free skin is more attractive than wrinkled skin. Research consistently shows that wrinkle-free skin is often associated with attractiveness and youth in women. Samson et al. (2010) identify wrinkles as clear indicators of aging, suggesting that smoother skin is more appealing. This perspective is echoed in Montemurro and Gillen’s (2013) study, which discusses societal attitudes towards aging women in America, noting that as visible signs of aging like wrinkles increase, conformity to societal beauty standards decreases. Furthermore, Kaur et al. (2013) found that women are perceived as significantly more beautiful when they exhibit wrinkle-free skin around their eyes, emphasizing a general preference for youthful features. Additionally, McHugh and Interligi (2015) report that two-thirds of women find wrinkles unattractive, not only because they signify aging but also because they can lead to negative misperceptions about a woman’s emotional state, such as appearing angry or upset.

According to Samson et al. (2010), wrinkling is an obvious sign of cutaneous ageing. Hence, the absence of wrinkles, which signifies younger-looking skin, is typically considered more attractive.

The study by Montemurro and Gillen (2013) titled “Wrinkles and Sagging Flesh: Exploring Transformations in Women’s Sexual Body Image” talks about how wrinkled skin affects attractiveness. The study refers to American society and highlights that as women age and develop more visible signs of aging such as wrinkles, they deviate from societal standards of what is considered attractive, therefore, suggesting that wrinkle-free skin aligns more closely with the youthful ideal which looks attractive for females.

Moreover, research by Kaur et al. (2013) reveals that women appear significantly more beautiful when they have wrinkle-free skin around their eyes. This supports the broader aesthetic preference for smoother skin, highlighting that signs of youth such as absence of wrinkles are often equated with enhanced beauty in women.

Another study by McHugh and Interligi (2015) reveals that for as many as two-thirds of women, facial wrinkles are not just a sign of aging but are also perceived unattractive, affecting their visual appeal. Moreover, the authors suggest that these unwanted wrinkles often contribute to misperceptions of emotional states, making women appear cross, angry, or crabby.

Samson, N., Fink, B., & Matts, P. J. (2010). Visible skin condition and perception of human facial appearance. International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 32(3), 167-184.
Montemurro, B., & Gillen, M. M. (2013). Wrinkles and sagging flesh: Exploring transformations in women’s sexual body image. Journal of Women & Aging, 25(1), 3-23.
Kaur, K., Arumugam, N., & Yunus, N. M. (2013). Beauty product advertisements: A critical discourse analysis. Asian social science, 9(3), 61-71.
McHugh, M. C., & Interligi, C. (2015). Sexuality and older women: Desirability and desire. Women and aging: An international, intersectional power perspective, 89-116.