Bruce Jenner - Facial Feature - Eye Canthal Tilt

Your eye falls into the Straight orientation category, which is considered a high attractiveness among the three male eye orientation types. That’s often seen as very appealing by current standards. Here’s how each category is generally perceived: Downturned – low attractiveness, Straight – high attractiveness, Upturned – low attractiveness.
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What is an Eye canthal Tilt? Why is a positive tilt more attractive than a negative tilt?
The eye canthal tilt, an important aspect of periorbital aesthetics, is the angle between the internal and external corners of the eyes. There are three types of canthal tilt: negative, neutral, and positive. A positive tilt, where the medial canthus is 5 to 8 degrees below the lateral canthus, contributes to a more attractive, sharper, and younger appearance. A recent study supports the notion that a positive tilt is crucial for an attractive look, as it relates to dimorphic and neotenic cues. In contrast, a negative canthal tilt can make individuals appear tired, sad, and older. Additionally, a study found that a slight incline or tilt to the intercanthal axis, averaging 2.1 mm (+3 degrees) in men, is essential for maintaining a masculine appearance, as a greater tilt can give a feminine look.
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