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Maya Hawke - Facial Feature - Eye Length

Your eye falls into the average length category, which is considered a medium attractiveness among the five female eye length types. While attractiveness is subjective, many people find this look appealing. Here’s how each category is generally perceived: smallest – low attractiveness, small – medium attractiveness, average – medium attractiveness, large – high attractiveness, largest – medium attractiveness. To enhance your attractiveness, consider working towards the large category. This could potentially increase your beauty score by one point.

- Most Attractive

- Least Attractive

- Your Score

Why larger eyes are considered more attractive?

Sexual selection and male mate choice favours females with dimorphic sexual ornaments; features such as “neotentic faces, high-pitched voices, and fatty breasts and hips attract male investment” (Puts, 2010). Neotenic features (or a baby-like facial resemblance) such as big eyes, small round faces and high voices are thought to attract male care and affection by exploiting the primal male impulse to protect infants. This concept is further bolstered by many scientific studies. Men, simply, prefer women with big eyes. Out of the many studies of facial aesthetics and mate choice preferences, a woman’s eye size (and nose size) are often found to be the biggest influences for her overall facial attractiveness (Przlipiak et al, 2018). When the eye is lengthened horizontally, it creates the perception that the eye is bigger (Zhao et al, 2019).

The Medical University of Białystok conducted an experiment, digitally increasing the eye size of female participants to increase their attractiveness(Przlipiak et al, 2018).These researchers further cemented this finding, by also showing that reducing the eye size also decreases attractiveness.There is a general consensus across scientific literature that “wider eyes make females more attractive” (Baudouin and Tiberghien, 2004; Przlipiak et al, 2018) and that overall “larger eyes[are found to be] more attractive” (Geldart et al, 1999; Baudouin & Tiberghein, 2004; Matsushita et al, 2015).

In a conference paper presented by Mitsuhiro & Kitaoka, (2016) eye roundness(calculated as eye height / eye width) and the proportion of the eye covered by the iris compared to the whole eye both increased the perceived likeability, attractiveness and beauty of females. Interestingly, larger eye size not only increases the attractiveness of women but also supplements her perceived social characteristics: such as making a woman appear more honest(Atoum and Al - Simadi 2000), competent and warm(Goncalves et al, 2015).Together, by increasing both the impression of positive social characteristics, and overall female beauty; longer eye length has a strong and well-demonstrated effect on female attractiveness.

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Celebrities with average eye length

Celebrities with large eye length


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