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Nita Ambani - Facial Feature - Eye Canthal Tilt

Your eye falls into the Straight orientation category, which is considered a medium attractiveness among the three female eye orientation types. While attractiveness is subjective, many people find this look appealing. Here’s how each category is generally perceived: Downturned – low attractiveness, Straight – medium attractiveness, Upturned – high attractiveness. To enhance your attractiveness, consider working towards the Upturned category. This could potentially increase your beauty score by one point.

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What is an Eye canthal Tilt? Why is a positive tilt more attractive than a negative tilt?

An eye canthal tilt is the angle between the inner and outer corners of the eyes and plays a significant role in periorbital aesthetics. The tilt can be negative, neutral, or positive, with a positive tilt providing a more attractive, sharp, and youthful appearance. Studies, such as the one conducted at the University of Toronto, have found that a positive canthal tilt is a strong indicator of female facial attractiveness. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that a steeper palpebral fissure inclination is a neonatal and sexually dimorphic feature. A positive canthal tilt is also linked to youth, health, and exuberance. Various studies support the notion that a positive canthal tilt enhances a woman’s appearance, making her look more attractive, youthful, and feminized. However, as the tilt decreases with age due to soft tissue descent, it can contribute to a more masculinized appearance. Research has shown that female faces with a positive canthal tilt are preferred 93% of the time, making it a distinctive quality of a beautiful eye.

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Celebrities with Straight eye orientation

Celebrities with Upturned eye orientation

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