Research by Sclafani and Jung (2010) and Patel and Malhotra (2021) suggests that males tend to have a lower, less pronounced brow and eyebrows sitting closer to the eye socket’s upper edge. This results in a smaller gap between the eyes and eyebrows, a characteristic deemed masculine and more attractive. This preference is further supported by the “hunter eyes” concept, where deep-set eyes with a prominent brow bone, less visible eyelid space, and closely aligned eyebrows are considered attractive in men. Conversely, “prey eyes,” with protruding eyes and more visible eyelids, are less appealing. In another study by Lakhiani & Somenek (2019), the researchers found that the space between the male eyebrow and eye, or the upper eyelid crease, is generally positioned lower than in women. This lower positioning results in a fuller-looking upper eyelid with less visible space between the eyelashes and crease, contributing to a masculine facial appearance. Hence, a shorter gap between the eyebrow and eye is preferable in males.
The study by Sclafani and Jung (2010) suggests that men typically prefer having a lower brow with a less accentuated peak, and according to the study by Patel and Malhotra (2021), their eyebrows often sit at or just above the bone that forms the eye socket’s upper edge, creating a flatter contour. This is a feature that distinguishes the sexes, as a larger gap between the eyes and eyebrows is seen as feminine, while a smaller gap is considered masculine. The concept of “hunter eyes” further explains this preference. Hunter eyes are deep-set into the skull and are associated with a noticeable brow bone. These features reduce the visible eyelid space and align the eyebrows close to the top of the brow bone. The eyes are also not further apart than average. These traits are seen as attractive in men, while the opposite, referred to as “prey eyes” – eyes that protrude from the skull and show more eyelid – is generally not considered as appealing on men. Therefore, a smaller gap between the eyebrow and eye aligns with the attractive, masculine ‘hunter eyes’ aesthetic.

According to Lakhiani & Somenek (2019), the area between the eyebrow and eye, also known as the upper eyelid crease, is generally positioned lower in men, with a minimum of 8mm above the lid margin, compared to a maximum of 12mm for women. This shorter gap or smaller distance gives the male upper eyelid a fuller appearance with less pretarsal show, which is the exposed part of the eyelid between the eyelashes and the crease. This difference in upper eyelid structure and position is considered a masculine trait. Therefore, a shorter gap between the eyebrow and eye is seen as better or more suitable among males because it contributes to the overall masculine appearance of their face.
Sclafani, A. P., & Jung, M. (2010). Desired position, shape, and dynamic range of the normal adult eyebrow. Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery, 12(2), 123-127.
Patel, B. C., & Malhotra, R. (2021). Upper eyelid blepharoplasty. In StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing.
Lakhiani, C., & Somenek, M. T. (2019). Gender-related facial analysis. Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics, 27(2), 171-177.