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Gwen Stefani - Facial Feature - Face Shape

Your face falls into the Triangle shape category, which is considered a high attractiveness among the nine female face shape types. That’s often seen as very appealing by current standards. Here’s how each category is generally perceived: Oblong – medium attractiveness, Rectangle – high attractiveness, Pear – low attractiveness, Heart – high attractiveness, Oval – high attractiveness, Diamond – high attractiveness, Triangle – high attractiveness, Square – high attractiveness, Round – medium attractiveness.

- Most Attractive

- Least Attractive

- Your Score

Triangle Face Shape

Your face looks like an inverted triangle, with a notable broad forehead with a small chin. The chin does not have a pointy appearance. The hairline is either straight across the forehead or slightly rounded around the edge of the line. All in all, chiseled, angular cuts are the key quality here.

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Celebrities with Oblong face shape

Celebrities with Rectangle face shape

Celebrities with Pear face shape

Celebrities with Heart face shape

Celebrities with Oval face shape

Celebrities with Diamond face shape

Celebrities with Triangle face shape

Celebrities with Square face shape

Celebrities with Round face shape

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