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Jason Aldean - Facial Feature - Eyebrow External Distance

Your eyebrow falls into the average external-distance category, which is considered a high attractiveness among the five male eyebrow external-distance types. That’s often seen as very appealing by current standards. Here’s how each category is generally perceived: smallest – low attractiveness, small – low attractiveness, average – high attractiveness, large – high attractiveness, largest – high attractiveness.

- Most Attractive

- Least Attractive

- Your Score

Why is longer eyebrows better than short eyebrows for males?

In the realm of facial aesthetics, longer eyebrows are seen as a hallmark of masculinity. Gupta et al. (2017) in their study published in the Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery noted that the average eyebrow length for men is 5.5 cm compared to 5.0 cm for women. This indicates that longer eyebrows contribute to a more masculine appearance. Further supporting this idea, Kleisner et al. (2013) found that certain facial features make men appear more trustworthy and attractive. These include bigger eyes, larger eyebrows, upward-pointing mouth corners, and a generally elongated and narrower face. In summary, research suggests that for men, having longer eyebrows not only accentuates masculinity but also adds to their perceived trustworthiness and attractiveness.

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Celebrities with small eyebrow external distance

Celebrities with average eyebrow external distance

Celebrities with large eyebrow external distance


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