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Matthew Bellamy - Facial Feature - Eye Depth

Your eye falls into the Normal depth category, which is considered a high attractiveness among the three male eye depth types. That’s often seen as very appealing by current standards. Here’s how each category is generally perceived: Deep-Set – high attractiveness, Normal – high attractiveness, Protruding – low attractiveness.

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- Least Attractive

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Normal-Set Eyes

The eyes are positioned in a balanced manner within the eye socket, not too protruding or deep-set. Read more about eye shapes. Deep-set eyes are widely regarded as a hallmark of masculine attractiveness, with several studies highlighting their significance. Holzleitner and Perrett (2016) identified deep-set eyes as a “masculine” trait linked to testosterone-driven facial morphology. This characteristic, combined with a pronounced brow ridge and angular features, signals strength, dominance, and attractiveness. Similarly, Adamson and Galli (2009) found that women perceive men with deeper-set eyes and other “mature” traits as more attractive, associating these features with leadership and masculinity. Further supporting this, Caton et al. (2022) demonstrated that male faces are sexually dimorphic, with deeper-set eyes contributing to perceptions of aggressiveness and dominance. Reiman (2012) also noted that men typically have deeper-set eyes compared to females, attributing this to testosterone-influenced traits that enhance their allure. Together, these studies suggest that deep-set eyes not only reflect strength and maturity but also play a key role in defining male attractiveness.

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Celebrities with Deep-Set eye depth

Celebrities with Normal eye depth

Celebrities with Protruding eye depth


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