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Rina Sawayama - Facial Feature - Lip Shape

Your lip falls into the Heart-Shaped-Lips shape category, which is considered a high attractiveness among the nine female lip shape types. That’s often seen as very appealing by current standards. Here’s how each category is generally perceived: Full Lips – medium attractiveness, Thin Lips – low attractiveness, Round Lips – medium attractiveness, Wide Lips – medium attractiveness, Bow Shaped Lips – medium attractiveness, Heart Shaped Lips – high attractiveness, Downturned Lips – low attractiveness, Top Heavy Lip – medium attractiveness, Bottom Heavy Lip – medium attractiveness.

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Featuring a pronounced Cupid’s bow, heart-shaped lips boast a top lip with a notable dip. They differ from bow-shaped lips by having a bottom lip that tapers off more dramatically towards the corners while being fuller in the center.

Cupid’s Bow: The top lip features a sharp and well-defined cupid’s bow that resembles the top of a heart. Full Lower Lip: The lower lip is often full and rounded, providing a contrast to the more defined upper lip. Pronounced Philtrum Ridges: The vertical ridges that run from the peaks of the cupid’s bow to the base of the nose are usually more pronounced. Wider Upper Half: The upper half of the lips is typically wider than the bottom half, tapering down at the corners.

Read the detailed study with exact scientific referencesOne of the most widely accepted markers of attractive lips is fullness. Fuller lips are often perceived as youthful and healthy, while thin lips are linked to aging. The preference for lip size can vary based on age and personal taste, but studies have identified some general trends. In a study of attractive Caucasian females, researchers found that the ideal upper lip height should be approximately 0.32 ± 0.03 of the lower third of the face height. Furthermore, the upper lip vermilion height should make up about one-third of the total upper lip height (0.35 ± 0.06). The Cupid’s bow—the double curve of the upper lip—is an essential feature of lip aesthetics. It provides definition and enhances attractiveness.

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