Golden Proportion

From Subtlety to Beauty: Understanding the Enchanting Effect of a Small Bi-Zygomatic Width in Females


Research studies indicate that the bi-zygomatic width, the distance between the two cheekbones, tends to differ between genders. According to a 2019 study by Lakhiani and Somenek, men usually have a larger bi-zygomatic width than women, giving them broader cheekbones. However, this does not diminish the prominence of cheekbones in women. Despite a smaller bi-zygomatic width, women often have a more forward-facing, or anterior, zygomatic prominence, making their cheekbones appear high and noticeable, a trait typically viewed as attractive. Another study aligns with these findings, reaffirming that men generally have wider cheekbones compared to women. Thus, these studies highlight that while women tend to have a smaller bi-zygomatic width, it is coupled with a distinctive zygomatic prominence, contributing to the unique and appealing facial features observed in females.


The bi-zygomatic width is the distance between the two zygomatic bones, or cheekbones. A study by Lakhiani and Somenek (2019) suggested that the distance between the zygomatic bones (cheekbones), known as the bi-zygomatic width, is typically larger in men as compared to women along with forward-facing zygomatic prominence making their cheekbones appear more pronounced. So, even if the bi-zygomatic width is smaller in females, this does not mean their cheekbones are less noticeable. Instead, the more anterior zygomatic prominence in women can enhance the perception of high, prominent cheekbones, which is often considered a desirable feature in females.

Similarly, another study by Abitha and Santhanam (2019) suggested that men generally have a larger bi-zygomatic width than women. The findings indicate that men typically have wider cheekbones compared to women.


Lakhiani, C., & Somenek, M. T. (2019). Gender-related facial analysis. Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics, 27(2), 171-177.

Abitha, T., & Santhanam, A. (2019). Correlation between bizygomatic and maxillary central incisor width for gender identification. Brazilian dental science, 22(4), 458-466.

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