Golden Proportion

The Beauty and Attractiveness Scale

An beauty scale or attractive scale determines how beautiful a person looks. The ranking is from 1 to 10, where 1 is the worst and 10 is the best.

Score – 1 ~ 2

Ugly face

  • Bad Skin Health
  • Non existent Hair management
  • Non existent Face Aesthetics
  • Non existent Facial symmetry
  • No/Bad Makeup/Grooming

Score – 2 ~ 3

Unattractive face

  • Bad Skin Health
  • Bad Hair management
  • Bad Face Aesthetics
  • Bad Facial symmetry
  • Bad Makeup/Grooming

Score – 4 ~ 6

Mediocre face

  • Poor Skin Health
  • Poor Hair management
  • Poor Face Aesthetics
  • Poor Facial symmetry
  • Poor Makeup/Grooming

Score – 6 ~ 8

Average face

  • Average Skin Health
  • Average Hair management
  • Average Face Aesthetics
  • Average Facial symmetry
  • Average Makeup/Grooming

Score – 8 ~ 9

Attractive face

  • Good Skin Health
  • Good Face Aesthetics
  • Well maintained Hair
  • Makeup/Grooming by experts

Female -> Pretty

Male -> Good Looking

Score – 9.0 ~ 10

Beautiful face

  • Perfect Skin Health
  • Perfect Face Aesthetics
  • Solid bone structure
  • Minimal Facial weight
  • Well maintained Hair
  • Perfect symmetry
  • Makeup/Grooming by experts

Female -> Beautiful

Male -> Handsome

28 replies on “The Beauty and Attractiveness Scale”

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Scientifically it would be: The proportion of your nose width, lips are near perfect! Your chin is a good feature! 7.8
But in my opinion: you’re so cute and pretty and you look so sweet I can’t rate you it just doesn’t seem right. Beauty is not based on scores. But if you really want to know my score, I give 9.87

Way over 4. From a USA perspective you’re at least over 6. You already know you’re beautiful and just wanted someone to confirm it, right?

I see you used an app to have adjustments. Try with a normal camera later, but yes you aren’t ugly for Korean standard beauty

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