Face Reshaping Golden Proportion

Analysis for Face Attractiveness: What Are the Scoring Ranges and Factors?

Certain Dimensions And Ratios Create Harmony among Facial Features, which Decide Your Attractiveness!

To determine the Face Attractiveness Score, PinkMirror analyzes the geometric proportions of facial features such as the eyes, nose, lips, etc., and the distance between those. When the face analysis is finished, you are able to see which features of your face determine your beauty score.

Beauty is in the balance of these face analysis features, which artists from the NeoClassical era called the Aesthetic principles. These aesthetic principles are analyzed from the portraits, and they are then drawn and extracted into three generic rules. The ‘Rule of Fifths’, the ‘Rule of Thirds’, and the ‘Rule of 77’.

Rule Of Fifths

A proportionate face may be divided vertically into fifths, with each of those fifths being approximately the width of one eye. Aesthetic balance is considered ideal when the facial features fall within these dimensions. The width of the base of the nose is approximately equal to the distance between the eyes.

Rule of Thirds

Leonardo da Vinci, that all-around genius of science and art, developed a formula for determining a well-balanced face. He found that a well-balanced face can be evenly divided into thirds, vertically. The top third is from your hairline to the top of your brows. The middle third is from the top of the brows to the bottom of your nose. The bottom third is from the bottom of your nose to your chin.

Rule of 77

The above two rules deal with frontal features, and it is only one aspect of facial beauty. The third rule deals with the lateral depth or, in other words, side view.

The Frontal Face Analysis

The most attractive facial features irrespective of gender are the following.

  • Eye Cantal Tilt – A positive title is more attractive.
  • Bitemporal To Bizygoma Ratio – A smaller Bizygomatic width is preferred.
  • A lower facial fat deposit

When it comes to the facial attractiveness of each gender, sexual dimorphism comes to play. For example, the attractive frontal facial features specific to females are the following.

  • Bigonial-to-Bizygomatic Width Ratio – A smaller Bigonial width is preferred
  • Chin-to-Philtrum Length Ratio – A smaller ratio of Chin length is preferred.

On the contrary, the attractive features of males are as follows.

  • Mouth-to-Nose Width Ratio – A larger ratio of Mouth length is preferred.
  • Eye-to-Eyebrow Margin- A shorter margin between the Eye and Eyebrow is preferred.

The Beauty Scale

The Rule-of-Fifths, Rule-of-Thirds, and Rule-of-77 are simple representations of a complex interplay of aesthetic measures between different parts of a beautiful face.

In this beauty scale, the following aspects are considered.

  • Face structure (Frontal and Lateral Dimensions)
  • Symmetry (between the left and right side of the face)
  • Feature structure (Shape of individual features such as eyebrow, nose, etc.)
  • Skin quality (Skin Tone and Skin Clarity.)

Skin Tone: Skin quality must be mostly even across the face.

Skin Clarity: Lesser spots and wrinkles. The radiance of the skin showoff the health of the person.

Important Notice:

Please note that the face attractiveness score system with PinkMirror has limitations; hence it is not final. Beauty is the proportion of the whole face rather than just the individual features, so please use these values for informative purposes.

Score – [0 ~ 1]

Image Courtesy

With this face analysis score, the results may determine a very unattractive face because there is hardly any symmetry with the features.

Score – [1.0 ~ 2.9]

Image Courtesy

With this face analysis score, the results determine an unattractive face because the symmetry is not inline, and the proportions are not great.

Score – [3.0 ~ 6.9]

Image Courtesy

With this face analysis score, the results determine an average face because the facial symmetry is almost there. This group is the general population.

Score – [7.0 ~ 8.9]

Image Courtesy

With this face analysis score, the results may determine a beautiful and attractive face because the symmetry is close to perfect.

Score – [9.0 ~ 10]

Image Courtesy

With this face analysis score, you are exceptionally beautiful and belong to the top 10 percent of the population. But there is also a chance that you are wearing heavy makeup or the face is surgically enhanced.

The Angle of the Face and Score Variations

The variation of the face score generally has to do with the angle at which the photo is taken and the resulting variation in the pose of the face. When you add a photo in for beauty analysis, it is important to use photo with the person looking straight into the camera in order to do accurate calculations. The Rule-of-fifth, Rule-of-third, and Rule-of-77 are formulated based on photos with faces looking straight at the camera.

Face-Attractiveness-Analyzer finds the most beautiful celebrities.

PinkMirror AI analysis finds the most beautiful celebrities of 2022. What is your Beauty Score? Find it here.

External links on Face Analysis:

Rate your photos by the public on our Discord Channel!

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PinkMirror Discord Channel!

2,133 replies on “Analysis for Face Attractiveness: What Are the Scoring Ranges and Factors?”

ur kinda hot just get rid of the little bit of acne and maybe abit of bigger lips. then youd b perfect. rn tho 8/10

There is something to be said for this mathmatical equation showing symetrical beauty in faces.
But, SO – SO much of beauty is subjective, in the eye of the beholder, as the saying goes.
You asked for a realistic rating. then in brackets added “globalaverage=5.” I didn’t understand what the “=5” was for ? Was it the mark ‘This site gave your face ? Or your own estimate based on what you percieve to be comparables ?
Well, hope you don’t cringe that this is coming from a gay guy, cause if so ;-p
Here it is :
Confidence is as, if not more, important than raw material – your features. Just dressing well and grooming well, can make a bigger impact on your loks than the “so called Natural Good looks” Staying in good Physical Shape is More important than if your nose is the same width as your eyes, or mouth is as wide as your pupils. Keeping yourself Clean all the time, you don’t need an expensive haircut, just tidy hair that shows you obviously take good care of yourself will be more attractive than whether your face is perfectly symetrical.
Dude. You Have (pretty Much) all of that going on already ! Except For “Global Average=5” Which Seemed to come across as maybe a self confidence issue.
– your obviously in shape
– you have a cool looking tidy haircut
– you’re wearing a Levis Shirt, Levis is a pretty cool Brand Name.
– /me –> Grins, The shirt is Clean
— You have cute Features. (Hypothetically Of course -) “If” I had met you in a Bar, I’d have come up to you and started talking to you. (Look at this this way, You can say “Yep, even the Guys want me ” .. /me Smirks at him. )
– If you have an air of self confidence about you. (Notsaying if yopu do or don’t – just saying) If you do, You are Way over a Five Dude, you’re like a solid – easy 7.5 even 8 or more if you are really self confident and fill out with a bit more muscle as you age a little more. you’re Way WAY over Five Dude.
Pffft., 5 – Whatever !
Don’t believe the “perfect” model of what HAS to be the “right” look.

well ur not bad currently id give you a 6 but if you grew a beard and worked ou a bit you’d be an easy 7.5-8.5

since u asked for it in the photo your eyes are asymmetric and your nose is too large otherwise its good

I think ur eyes are quite nice theyre just abit asymmetrical. ur nose i disagree with the other person i thinks its a good size and shape. ur lips i think r nice too, theyre not to big or small. just right. and ur face shape is nice u could just possibly workout and lose some weight on ur face. overall rn ur probably a 7.5/10 hope this helps.

I think you need to get smaller forhead, smaller tip nose or change your nose shape, and get biger upper lips, your eyes is beautiful green eyes and your skin is very good, i think you are 6.8 put if you get smaller forhead, another nose shape and biger upper lip you will be 9.3

I asked for a rating not for u to tell me what to do. If i want to put on makeup i can, im sorry that u cant put on makeup well enough and may i point out u have a food stain on the edge of ur mouth. no hate just pointing this out

By the way, I said to take off your make-up in order to see what your face structure is, not because it doesn’t look good. And no, I don’t put on make up so no need for you to tell me I don’t know how to

and my face structure is the same with and without makeup. i mean idk how id b able to change my whole face structure with it anyways..

Honestly it’s hard for me to understand why you are being so defensive. I didn’t say you weren’t beautiful, you really are. I just said it would be more accurate to rate you if you were without makeup

I don’t understand why you are so defensive. Maybe I wasn’t clear enough. I think you are gorgeous but it would be more accurate if you would have a picture without makeup

I think you dont need any one to tell you that you are beautiful you are perfect nice eye, lips, face shape, nose, hair dont worry about your look

Quik tip: Girls look a lot better with a little makeup than with a lot. Besides that 9/10. could you rate me out of 10. Don’t be nice. Be harsh. Their are 2 pics. If you could rate the one that looked better that would be great.

Yah but the test aren’t that accurate, and it’s nice getting feedback from other people than a robot that uses Asian beauty standards to determine how attractive you are

I think thats about right.
Ok here something about all this stuff.
This site looks at your skin and measures the ratio of your face parts so a high score doesnt always mean youre good looking it just means the proportion of your face parts is about right so it just comes down to your face shape then and if you get a low score it just means your face isnt very symmetric and you might still be very attractive.

Super cute. Don’t improve anything please. In all honesty theres nothing to improve. 9.3-9.7/10. could you rate me out of 10. Don’t be nice. Be harsh. Their are 2 pics. If you could rate the one that looked better that would be great.

Can you pls rate my face 1-10 and tell me what I need to do to be prettier? I honestly can’t tell if I’m pretty or ugly. Also sorry it a really bad quality camera and I have a cut on my lip.

ur cute and a little pretty. things u can improve would b a smaller nose and bigger lips in my opinion. which u can fix with nose conturing and lip overlining at the moment, once ur older u can decide what youd want to do then. Hope this helps but remember u do u.

Many say i have big lips, nose chubby face, personally this picture I think is good but i have really bad photos so I think im ugly. Ima put a good and a bad one. Rate me! Thx

Dude look you are NOT ugly but you are also not bery goos looking you look like the average folk so if you had a good body and a beard(because of your face shape) you would be considered good looking as a package but your face will never be as good looking as many celebs and plus attractivity comes from talent first body second face third

His face is better than yours at least so Jonathan If u think he’s a 3/10 I can imagine what you would be lmao

Your features are alright but the picture is not good. For your looks i would rate 7/10 . And for the pic 3/10. And if u lose weight then it wluld definitely ne 9/10

your handsome, get a good skincare routine! Nice hair, your features fit your face, rate 8.4 you could easily be a higher rating with a great personality.

WHY AM I SO UGLY? I got a 6.4 I am a -1000 omg i hate myself. Why is everyone on here so much prettyer than me?

I don’t know how hard or easy it is for you to get rid of the acne but without it you’d turn heads for sure

Thank you so much! You are so sweet to everyone on this site! Just out of curiosity how old do I look in the picture?

Ahaha those are the two things I don’t like I always thought my nose was too big and my eyes were boring because they are brown.

Honestly, probably a 10. But rating people is so toxic. You’re beautiful and all that matters is being a good person.

Yea tru tho dont take it seriously espically from what u got thats an absolute joke! oh btw idk if u just hate hot people but u r obviously hating on them so that makes u go even below ugly in my opinion.

You’re a little young, and you should never worry about beauty. Okay? Inner beauty is all that matters. Therefore, you are perfect. Never change anything about yourself.

I rated you honestly don’t take it personally jonathan is a fool he thinks himself the most handsome which he is not

Why would you hurt someone else? If you’re insecure you shouldn’t hurt someone else. Do you kno how awful that feels. I’m apalled and disgusted. RUDE.

You’re so beautiful. What are you worried about?!! You have FLAWLESS skin. Girl, you are goals. Never change yourself! 100% honest. You’re a queen!

7.7329. The lighting makes it kinda hard to judge but overall you are pretty, especially your lips. Can you rate my picture down there as well (on 6th may)

You’re so perfect. Never change. You have p e r f e c t eyebrows. No cap. ngl I obsess over eyebrows so…

Ok i’m sorry for stuff i said on this page. my dad had just died, i know thats not an excuse but i hope you’ll forgive me.

I think that you have avery long face and you dont have jaws muscels and you have avery wide chin. You have unsymatric features i will gave you 1.5/10

Jonathan, are you serious? Don’t listen to him Pranshu, trolls like him should just stay under bridges.

Imma be real. You are B E A U T I F U L. Your eyes are so pretty. I’ve always wanted green eyes. Stop playing. You’re gorgeous. <3

Yes. 8.6/10 and i’m not being nice. could you rate me out of 10. Don’t be nice. Be harsh. Their are 2 pics. If you could rate the one that looked better that would be great.

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