Certain Dimensions And Ratios Create Harmony among Facial Features, which Decide Your Attractiveness!
To determine the Face Attractiveness Score, PinkMirror analyzes the geometric proportions of facial features such as the eyes, nose, lips, etc., and the distance between those. When the face analysis is finished, you are able to see which features of your face determine your beauty score.
Beauty is in the balance of these face analysis features, which artists from the NeoClassical era called the Aesthetic principles. These aesthetic principles are analyzed from the portraits, and they are then drawn and extracted into three generic rules. The ‘Rule of Fifths’, the ‘Rule of Thirds’, and the ‘Rule of 77’.
Rule Of Fifths
A proportionate face may be divided vertically into fifths, with each of those fifths being approximately the width of one eye. Aesthetic balance is considered ideal when the facial features fall within these dimensions. The width of the base of the nose is approximately equal to the distance between the eyes.

Rule of Thirds
Leonardo da Vinci, that all-around genius of science and art, developed a formula for determining a well-balanced face. He found that a well-balanced face can be evenly divided into thirds, vertically. The top third is from your hairline to the top of your brows. The middle third is from the top of the brows to the bottom of your nose. The bottom third is from the bottom of your nose to your chin.

Rule of 77
The above two rules deal with frontal features, and it is only one aspect of facial beauty. The third rule deals with the lateral depth or, in other words, side view.

The Frontal Face Analysis
The most attractive facial features irrespective of gender are the following.
- Eye Cantal Tilt – A positive title is more attractive.
- Bitemporal To Bizygoma Ratio – A smaller Bizygomatic width is preferred.
- A lower facial fat deposit
When it comes to the facial attractiveness of each gender, sexual dimorphism comes to play. For example, the attractive frontal facial features specific to females are the following.
- Bigonial-to-Bizygomatic Width Ratio – A smaller Bigonial width is preferred
- Chin-to-Philtrum Length Ratio – A smaller ratio of Chin length is preferred.
On the contrary, the attractive features of males are as follows.
- Mouth-to-Nose Width Ratio – A larger ratio of Mouth length is preferred.
- Eye-to-Eyebrow Margin- A shorter margin between the Eye and Eyebrow is preferred.

The Beauty Scale
The Rule-of-Fifths, Rule-of-Thirds, and Rule-of-77 are simple representations of a complex interplay of aesthetic measures between different parts of a beautiful face.
In this beauty scale, the following aspects are considered.
- Face structure (Frontal and Lateral Dimensions)
- Symmetry (between the left and right side of the face)
- Feature structure (Shape of individual features such as eyebrow, nose, etc.)
- Skin quality (Skin Tone and Skin Clarity.)
Skin Tone: Skin quality must be mostly even across the face.
Skin Clarity: Lesser spots and wrinkles. The radiance of the skin showoff the health of the person.
Important Notice:
Please note that the face attractiveness score system with PinkMirror has limitations; hence it is not final. Beauty is the proportion of the whole face rather than just the individual features, so please use these values for informative purposes.
Score – [0 ~ 1]

With this face analysis score, the results may determine a very unattractive face because there is hardly any symmetry with the features.
Score – [1.0 ~ 2.9]

With this face analysis score, the results determine an unattractive face because the symmetry is not inline, and the proportions are not great.
Score – [3.0 ~ 6.9]

With this face analysis score, the results determine an average face because the facial symmetry is almost there. This group is the general population.
Score – [7.0 ~ 8.9]

With this face analysis score, the results may determine a beautiful and attractive face because the symmetry is close to perfect.
Score – [9.0 ~ 10]

With this face analysis score, you are exceptionally beautiful and belong to the top 10 percent of the population. But there is also a chance that you are wearing heavy makeup or the face is surgically enhanced.
The Angle of the Face and Score Variations
The variation of the face score generally has to do with the angle at which the photo is taken and the resulting variation in the pose of the face. When you add a photo in PinkMirror.com for beauty analysis, it is important to use photo with the person looking straight into the camera in order to do accurate calculations. The Rule-of-fifth, Rule-of-third, and Rule-of-77 are formulated based on photos with faces looking straight at the camera.
Face-Attractiveness-Analyzer finds the most beautiful celebrities.

PinkMirror AI analysis finds the most beautiful celebrities of 2022. What is your Beauty Score? Find it here.
External links on Face Analysis:
- Beauty Ranges
- Facial Beauty and Balance
- Bone Structure – The Ideal Face
- Facial Anatomy and Proportions
- Facial Feminisation Thesis
- Body proportions
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2,133 replies on “Analysis for Face Attractiveness: What Are the Scoring Ranges and Factors?”
The 36th most handsome face of the world.You know when my some American friends saw him they said he is truly beautiful and attractive and can beat our all Hollywoodians including Chris evans,Chris hemsworth and even Tom cruise.They said he can easily be the number one handsome face in the world look how perfect he is his jaw shape he has made himself beautiful he has done some work on his face his hairstyle,his beard,his eyes,his jawline,his lips,his eyebrows all are best and I’m not saying these all are there words.Tust me Brother.
yeas aisha i will rate him 9.6 for sure im honest i swear if im not honest again and again and again please god kill me) (what makes him handsome)1.jawline,2.he dont have very narrow eyes but he have deep set sharpe eyes and the thick eyebrows sharpe eyebrows make his eyes sharpe and very beautiful, 3.thick beautiful black hair, but the beauty in fawad khan face looks more natural than him,im honest i swear
Im sorry maybe me comment will be long, but any ways i will show you some proves. (about me and models features), this is mathew noska eyes
and this sean opry eyes
This eyes frome male model called john
And this is my eyes
Now you can see that all of us me and this models have very near eyeshape, and again i have sqaure jawline but some fat make it desapear, now my Question do you agree with me, and another question can i get closer with them level if i burn all my body fat can i be in the same level with john or sean opry if i lose all my body fat and get anice hair cut and buld some musceles, and get a skin care to make my skin smoother and clear answer this question please.
Its near the same sizes and deepset eyes (deep in the skull), and near shape not the same of course not all of them have the same shape but its near, its near to almond eye shape.
He is handsome, i will rate 7/10 but, i don’t really think he can compete chris evans or chris hemsworth they are of another level.
Very true, Chris Evans I’d give a 9/10. And Chris Hemsworth I’d give a full 10/10.
But the guy Aisha has posted for rates, I’d rate 6.8/10.
What will you rate him.
So serious.
Leyo, young Dude.. Confidence brah!! Don’t look to others for approval or validation. R.
Dude of course you are handsome, (what a nice jawline) you have masculane handsome face believe me i swear you also have a good beautiful features this jawline make you look like models!!!! (trust me)
I am. Thanks. Believe in self! Much success. R.
(R), tell me honest please do you agree with me about my comments above be honest please do i have near facial features shape with them, please say the truth like i told you i swear i told you the truth its very clear that you have very damn beautiful jawline.
Leyo: all good . I agree. R.
Oh my god Aisha, i had read your comments now, i thought that pakistane people kind but now i changed my mind, you call english women ugly wtf you are talking about they are 5th in the most beautiful women, gave to me 5-5.5i know it can never be because i have (wide face, sharp eyes,) i will upload a photo of guy that i have the same features sizes with him, i dont thinke hammad is your friend, who you calling them ugly most of people here beautiful, hammad is goodlooking man put he is not apove people here, when i saied that pakistane people look good that is not mean other countries are ugly, at laste i need to to say thanke you for honest people(phoebe, (j), nithin, Hammad, shruti).
This videos prove what im talking about, https://youtu.be/pF5Of13N4eI https://youtu.be/Xvtw8W0PBhc , i was mean that guy i had upload his photo i have the same features sizes with him, any way thanke you, i thought pakistane people are kindfull.
I have same features sizes with that guy.
LOL, no you don’t. You are completely different people. Maybe you need glasses?
Why can you please rate me honest and tell me what i have to change
Any way liam you didnt prove any thinge, but if Gerome 10!! That mean that i can never ever((ever)) be(5) ok im sure 1000000% , oh i can say that you are need glasses too you rated a very beautiful women (andie) 5or6, what a nonsense, dude after that do you think i will believe any word you say, lmao hahahahaha
Looked in a mirror recently. NOT A PHOTOSHOPPED ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Noone left come anyone rate me I’ll rate you.
Why do you think im ugly,and please give me a percent frome 1-100 of how much i look like him
Can you tell me what i have to change please, can i get closer to that guy look by loose my body fat im honestly have hight cheekbones and square jawline but it disapeard by some wieght.
Please tell me what makes this photo unattractive
Can you rate this guy
Get a new face from the face shop
Ur honestly a baddie lmao I’d say out of ten 8.5-9/10 I can’t upload from my phone add my snap kvng_mathew
U r very pretty . please do rate me!?
Is 7.9 fare….???
8/10. 9/10 if you didnt have so much makeup on. Can you rate me. Dont be nice. Be harsh.
rate me!
Hmm… I’ll give u a solid 8… your face is pretty anestheticly pleasing,I don’t see any blemishes either, your DEF not ugly(but u Already know that ) lml… rate me
I’m not 8 I’m above I know and you not need to tell me that disgusting blonde color and smaller nose you bloody hell.You are just an average guy or below for me.
In my opinion you are perfect like (models)
Can you tell me how much i look like this guy hammad told me that i looklike him be honest.
and rate this photo of me, i use photoshoppe to be honest, just please rate this photo
Boom an photoshopped photo anyone can look like a model you know Hammad the big boy down that portal he is far more handsome than he looks in that black shirt pic but he used his original bad one.He is my NUMS friend.Infact he said me to come here but he is not here.I was busy on that days..A bloody boy behind bloody english ugly girls.You have broad face like him.The above man.I’ve seen your real ones below.You are not my type 5-5.5 honestly speaking.I liked your comment when you said beautiful people live in Pakistan.Look I’m giving you respect due to that.And in that photo you and anyone ugly can be a 10.
I agree Aisha
You don’t look like any of them!! STOP THINKING LIKE THATTTTTTTTT
Ok i dont care some people told me that i have resemblance with that guy
whoa… I can’t understand what wrong with you?
I tried to help but you insulted me!
I said”you are beautiful” but please don’t think that you are the best beautiful.
don’t Proud you are average too.
In addition, Europeans are much better than you.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha now you Idiot want some bad words from me.Europeans are considered the most ugliest in the world.Andorra,Ireland,uk idiot.Son of that daddy who left his family and went behind a slut to the bar.You look like cartoon go and give your cartoon like face in your mothers ass.Bull shit.If i was average you’ve rated me 5 but you said me pretty and and so good and an 8.That means I’m beautiful and you are a liar and a liar is son of pig.Never comment me again.
oh my god! you are sick.
You’re absolutely sick, As a finnish girl that actually hurt my feelings.
Your actually quite ugly.
Anyone unserious and wrong rating you know me then.
Why my pics are so blurred.I know you all know I’m a whicccccch like devil but now my heart is softened just rate me I expect good from you all but prediction says you’re not gonna do it
Hi, Sweety. I think you are so good and beautiful. but if you change your hair color to blonde and have a smaller nose you could be better. (8/10)… you rate me too.
Probably on the same level as me. 9.9999999/10.
you are beautiful, honey! don’t worry about this. your T-shirt is good too haha.
7.5/10. could you rate me out of 10. Don’t be nice. Be harsh. Their are 2 pics. If you could rate the one that looked better that would be great
Changed my mind. Your 9/10 if people look closer. But from far away i’d say 7.5/10.
Please rate me. Be brutally honest.
Thanks Liam. I don’t think your rating is realistic though.
Sorry, I meant unrealistic.
I typed it right the first time haha. I was drowsy when I sent those last two messages.
No, I’m serious bro, don’t sell yourself short. In my opinion you are perfect. 100% 10/10!!!!
Thanks Liam
you look nice you should grow your hair out more but other than that you are really cute. I know alot of people say this but ima say it you are really good looking and don’t listen to these other people cuz they are just jealous. For real this is my HONEST opinion.
You look nice dude 9\10 you can just get full head of hear, can you tell me please can i be in the same level of goodlooking with that guy if i lost all my body fat and please tell me how much i look like him, please be honest please
Gerome can you please answer my QUSTION please
Gerome can you please tell me what i have to do to become close to this guy looksbe honest please.
Eitherur ugly or u are bad at photography.
Greetings, will you wonderful people be kind enough to rate me ?
I rate you a 9 out of 10. You’re to handsome for this website!
My appreciation amigo
Guys rate me from 1-10.
I’d say 8.5-9.
please rate me from 1-10 and guess where i am from
8.5_9\10 maybe you are frome 1.USA,2.German,3.England, good facial proportions:)
thanks for reply and opinion:), i am chilean of north german/danish ancestry
Your welcome can you please rate me i know i have to lose wieght, and tell me what i can be frome 1-10 if i lost wieght honest please, and i will upload two pic of guys and please tell me honest wich one i look like him, and i will upload another pic of me with photoshoppe and i need you to rate it please honest thanke you
The first guy
Second guy.
actual 6/10…. if you do exercise and define more your face bones it would go up, because look too fleshy, if you turn to fitness could be 7 or 8 in my opinion
between those two examples you are closer to 1 in about 50%-60% of similarity, again, if you turn to fitness. Second guy is so far different based on your face.
Sorry for this long message please be honest, and this my photoshoppe pic, rate please
7-8/10… i recomend to you to do mewing exercises in the eye area, keep the eyebrows the low you can and define and rip off the fat of your face as morea as you can, cut your daily calories and drink more water for this!
Thanke you bro i do i have hight cheekbones and square jawline but its covered by some weight, and yes my eyebrows close to my eye wish agood thinge do you thinke if i lost all of this wieght and all of this things become apear, can i be the same level of good looking like first or second guy i do i have the same face shape and near facial features with the first guy tell me now please can i be in the same level of his good looking and do you think my facial features need to improve by any surgerys and thanke you for your time
Just rate him please
you dont need surgery, just gym and train more for burn the fat, your face shape is more close to first guy, i think you can get closer his level and also go forward if you also get tan
the last guy 7/10 he look too boyish and less attractive due his soft features and lack of beard, also girly eyebrows that high offset the eye
Thanke you for your honest (j), and for your time, (good day!) 🙂
Ai can you guys rate me from 1-10
7.8-8.3\10 get another photo or change the angle of the photo just alittle acne other wise is fine.
Guys pls be honest what would you rate me?
100\10 you are perfect (model)
Rate me too honest please, i know i have to lose wieght, and what do you think i can be frome 1_10 if i lost wieght please answer me.
and im honest about you i swear, your hair is perfect, your skin is very beautiful flawless skin, your eyes very attractive gray eyes, your lips is very attractive and soft evry thing is really good i hope you answer me honest please like i told you.
Guys rate me from 1-10.
you are not bad. haha, I am joking. you are beautiful nice. 8.5/10
you rate me too.
James haha you’re funny. I love this picture of you with the rainbow. What wonderful big eyes you have!
8/10. could you rate me out of 10. Don’t be nice. Be harsh. Their are 2 pics. If you could rate the one that looked better that would be great. Quick tip: Personallity is a really big factor. I’d rather be with an average looking girl with a good personality than a good looking girl with a bad personality.
8.5/10. could you rate me out of 10. Don’t be nice. Be harsh. Their are 2 pics. If you could rate the one that looked better that would be great.
you have really nice hair and good skin your eyes are amazing I know alot of people can be mean about the fact that you are different but your eyes they are so beautiful.
Please be honest 🙂
you are cute….around 7.5
and your chin and mine are similar
you are cute….around 7.5 if rated
and your chin and mine are similar
You’re cute. I’ll give you a 7.5.
Hi guys! I honestly I believe we all have insecurities especially this year its hitting everyone seems like. My insecurity is my nose ive always wanted to get my nostrils more pulled in just a little though. My nose flares when I smile.
you look cute 🙂
you are beutiful
well i look like potato but please rate me 🙂
Your face is good dude, im sorry but your problem with your body i dont know if you are very short(dwarf) if you are not go to gym and get bigger shoulders, but the face 8\10 for sure nice hight cheekbones.
Bro do rate me also there are some pics of mine as u scroll a bit down
Your photo isn’t clear
So difficult to rate
Dude i need your honest opinion some one told me that is this photo very very bad be honest with me dude what do you think about this photo by photoshop for sure, rate this photo please
I can see why you might not like your nose but everything else on your face makes you look pretty and cool, even sexy
Select who you mean by but here name in the end of the message (jakob)
You have to get surgery in your nose and maybe cheeks after this simple surgery you will be 7.5-8\10 but you have a nice hair and skin
Talking to you keisha
Not trying to be creepy but ur hot. Please don’t get any surgerys or anything. Your nose flares a TINY bit. could you rate me out of 10. Don’t be nice. Be harsh. Their are 2 pics. If you could rate the one that looked better that would be great. In all honesty personally ,and this is a harsh answer. 9/10.
you are beautiful
I’d really like to know what you girls think
You look like Hans Winkle of Wolfenstein
Guys rate me 1-10 please
An 8 or above
Without an hat,it would have been easy for me to rate
Rate me 1-10
Just last Qustion nithin tell me about my facial features honest what do you think its good and what is bad waiting you dude
and do you think in this photo i have a resemblance with white shirt guy that i uploaded his photo
Yes leyo
Whatever I spoke
I spoke honestly regarding u and that white guy
Regarding your facial features,its good re not bad at all. And look u don’t have to doubt and stress so much.I know u came here after what dew had spoke.
He also rated me 4.5 to 5.Is my this photo so bad can u rate it .I know this was during lockdown so could not get a haircut .
you look good.better than me
Dude you look very good in this photo your hair is good dude you look nice 7.5_8\10 just shave dude your styel is really good by the way
What makes me gonna lose my mind dude is how much contradiction is people dude, i learned some things about theory of attraction the most handsome men should have this features 1.hooded eyes, 2.wide of nose should be 1\5 of face and eye width should be the same, 3.the tall of forhead, and frome eye brows to bottom of nose, and frome bottom of nose to the chin should be the same, hight cheekbons, wide square jawline, mediam lips, thick eye brows, and full head of hair, good skin, and dont have weight on your cheeks to and neck to make your jawline apear not like me that all of this things make a man look like models, all of this things about a perfect face to male, this site dont analysing any of this things the just have most of the people the same rate and this sitr looking for photo quality.
You are around 4.5-5.
Oh my so less Haha
I had uploaded couple of pics but this was the lowest I got from someone
Ok anyways thanks dew
you are a sweet looking guy 7-7.5.(Ash)
Sidharth Malhotra, look my black shirt pic which you rated.
Rate me from 1-10
U r an easy 7
Do rate me bro
damn dumbo you tryna fly away? haha just kiddin I rate you as a 8.9/10 And I am A girl I just be mean to people I like…
This is my another pic guys,during the lockdown.
Do rate me from 1-10
I’d say 7.5 try not to cover your mouth.
Gerome my one picture is just below the pic u had posted last time
Rate that
You looks better in this pic good look dude and i have a question do you what do you think am i look like this man and how i can look same with him
Compare with this pic
Maybe this photo of him is good to compare (am i look like him) waiting you to answer please.
Leyo u look a lot like that white tshirt guy.
Don’t do any surgery it’s a rubbish,if it only demotivates you then only.
If u lose weight and build muscles you can look 75-80 percent of that guy
Leyo u can be a lot like that white tshirt guy
Good photo selection
Your face shape is like him but your facial texture is far far different from him I can say I look like any super model you don’t look like him your face shape looks a bit.
Talking to leyo
Dude im sorry we both have the same face shape, same eyes, same eyebrows, sam ears, sam forhead, near lips,minus the hair color and eye color can you tell me honest what i have to change to be like him talking to you dew
Hammad, elle, nithin telling me that im look like him, and alot of my friends, i know im not in his handsome level because he have a good skin, nice(perfect body) and dont have wieght on his cheeks that makes his jawline strong, you are telling me now im far of look like him??????????,i asked alot of people her about if i have unattractive facial features marco R tell me all is fine just my cheeks and phoebe and shurti sorry dude i dont beleive
Now rate me and tell me why
This was my last pic I had posted
Thanks Gerome
For a 7.5 -8
I appreciate that
You’re welcome.
Hi,nithin I asked you a question do I have a resemblance with hrithik roshan or sidharth malhoyra waiting………In this pic you look better than previous one.
Lock down pic.
Thanks bro
But hrithik has strong beard resemblance than siddhart and also sharp eyes than siddhart
Probably u look a lot different than those two
But if you mean me telling u what u look compared to both
U resemble Siddhart like few percentage
Umm! was expecting a straight sidharth from you doesn’t matter your mind your comment.Just a last question from you Nithin I know it feels awkward but Am I handsome enough to get an English girlfriend.If you feel not tell me the reason.Thnx for above comment Bro.Waiting…………………
A straight siddhart u said right ?
A straight in other words mean at least 95-100 lookalike
If u have a physic like him
U can upload
If you’ll do match,no doubt i will give u a straight siddhart credit u meant from me
Regarding English gf, any english girl will give u the right answer
Because I do not know the beauty standards they like ?
It is diff from person to person and places as well.
So simple answer ask from those girls you will get a genuine answer then those boys
Hope u get me..
Reply was from me
Sorry for that typing mistake
Yeah all about physique just some gym I can easily get body like him because I already have a smart fig.I’ve asked an English girl she said yes but she always gave everyone a positive comment even for a ugly guy.Thats why didn’t take it serious.What do you think.Thanks bro for above comment.
U r handsome bro
U can get an eng gf
Now stop asking everyone
AnD be confident buddy
That was me hammed
That was me hammad
**** my auto dictionary keyboard
Thnx, Nithin an innocent guy with a big heart.
You look around 7 but you really should remove the hand. And do rate me too
Ash there’s another pic just above the one u saw
Rate that buddy
How is this one ?
Rate me 1- 10
You look good bro 8\10 handsome!
Thanke you dude yeah i have to lose wieght and i know why im not 100%this guy he called mathew noska the cause is(hair color, eye color, and his skin is more good) thanke you bro.
Yeah bro i have to lose wieght, for sure im not 100%like this guy he called mathew noscka because i have (brown hair, light brown eyes, and his skin is lighter) thanke you bro
Bro the pic that’s above your comment
Tell me how I look in that?
There’s another image at the top of the comment section.
Please rate me 1-10.
In this pic u look a lot better bro.
Great strong jawline
I will give u a 8/10
Do rate my pic…
You didn’t rate me Gerome.
Hammad You’re no lower than a 9 in my book.
You rated my which pic.Black shirt or white one.
really nice keep it up!!
And the pippi Langström haircut great
Am black living in sweden. Sweeds would love you.
Afro pippi man 🙂
Can any one tell me the truth please i cant under stand that some people gives me 3,4,5and others give me 6, 6.5,7,7.5 and others give me 8,8.6,9 can any one tell me (do i have ugly features) or i just have to lose wieght and go to gym
I think you look good in general, but your cheeks are big, some people don’t find it attractive, I think they look good on you. ^^
Ok what do you think about other features (good or not)
The size of your mouth, nose and eyes are fine, you worry a lot, if you want a rating; 7.8 / 10 (if you are tall change it for 8.3/10)
and please tell me what i have to improve to be good looking or handsome gym to lose cheeks fat or plastic surgery
I think the best choice is plastic surgery.
So what do you think i have to change by surgery the last question
just your cheeksss, the rest is fine, and a beard would look great on you 😉
Thanke you dude by the way my tall is 177cm thanke you so much for feedback
I don’t know why you all are ignoring that hot boy.I was rated 9.I’m rating you all. Marco8/10, Andy go to Hollywood 8.9/10 Rithik 6/10, Sofia 8.5, Juan8, Myrtille 7/10, Leyo 6.5, Nithin 7/10, Shayan6.4,Emma 8.9, Rana 9,Ellie and Evie are they sisters 8 or 8.5,Pia 9,Tatiana above 10 if you are really like that.Gerome can’t understand your gender.please rate that rating beggar.
Your face is peace of shit like a drug addict.
My gender is male.
Sorry for that confusion.You are a 7/10
Easy you are 9/10 ^^
Dude i know this guy he is ommar borkan he is a super model frome emarates for sure 9.5 to him can you tell me please what i have to change to be 8 and why im 6.5 tell me what i have improve please thanke you
Leyo You are absolutely right he is omar my crush and i’m following him.But bro seriously you,ll not believe I edited my photo a little bit to look same.My both pics omar one and one in black shirt were given a score of 50 which is ridiculous.we both have same face shape.Face angle.I was just comparing my rough pic with a bit edited.I was surprised only nithin rated that edited one .I don’t know why Elle rated sky 8 and my super omarish pic 8.leave it just a fat removing surgery bro you are on the line.rate my rough pic below.Tanmay if you’ll ever comment me like that you’ll be a son of a bitch and slut.I’ve not uploaded my real pics in my phone.My phone was robbed.I couldn’t buy new one due to lock down.Last thing whenever taking a pic just a bit smile Leyo.
Calm down in other side i upload pic of the most handsome model and other people rates him look to that (2,3,4,5,7,9,10) i dont know why really and other average looking guy (5,7,9) so dont take other people opinion as a truth they are laying so much i know im fat and i have big cheeks because my fat dont worry dude you are good looking i really cant imagen how people think. I think if you want to know how hot are you use science, i will upload the picture of the model
Dude is me leyo
Sorry leyo, for that mix comment typing speed so fast some consider me more than omrish pic.just laying so much.Omar is more handsome than Gordan.He looks like a serial killer.You can never be like him.Just loose some fat.You said science any scientific website related to that stuff.Pink mirr is fake rating omar’s real photo48.34 less than me.Last question am I enough handsome to make an English girl friend.Really wanna follow someone follow that super model.
Look to him, he is super model called gordan Bratt
Sorry leyo,I don’t like him.Believe me he’s gonna be hated if i’ll send this pic to my friends.Mine one name is Imran abbas pakisani super model.He is far far more handsome than that idiot.[1million] times.
Just look him.
You think he is hot some people rated him in other side when i upload his picture 3 can you understand that a model rated 3
For sure ommar 9.6 and you are 8 or ommar 96\100 and you are 80\100 in my opinion you are handsome, and he is supper handsome that is the truth
In my whole life never saw anyone more handsome than him.
Do you think if i lose weight i can be even like gordan and what i have to change to be like him.
I think this picture is good
You didn’t answer my question. Am I enough handsome to make an English girl friend.Just asking about yourself and no comment on Imran abbas.Things don’t work like that bro.
OMG,breaking news an ugly boy comparing himself with super hot model.
you are an average looking guy and can never be like him.
I know that im average looking but what do you think i have to change by surgery to be like him, i dont comparing my self with him now i just asked what i can do to be near to to his look
I’m a regular viewer of this portal I’ve never commented here I don’t know why is he comparing himself to a model.What a nonsense.he doesn’t have any inch of resemblance with the above all models.
You are a dumbass,nonsense and less than 1 out a 10.
He is telling someone that you can make an English girlfriend.Stupid boy.
Hey Sam, Don’t you ever interfere in our discussion.
Ummmm! Bro what should I say you are very different from that model.This requires a whole facial surgery,fat removing surgery,Eye widening surgery,Have to grow your hair and if its rough or curly again keratin treatment for making it silky. This and that.requires a lot of work.And who knows it will give positive results.For all that stuff you need tones of money and a yes from your parents.My nose is long and beautiful but its upper bone has a bit hood.The upper bone just needs to be straighten.My relative had that surgery and it costed 3000 pounds and its not too complex surgery taking too much for a simple surgery.My mum, said she will take me to Scotland for that surgery.Thanks to my dad he is a rich millionaire businessman.I also have enough money for keratin treatment..1million rupees in my own account. I just need that 2 to 3 things to be super handsome like omar borkan.Bro at last if you have much money and you wanna be like him go for these surgeries.I’ll say that stay natural you’ll have to change your entire face and too much time money.I have a simple case.Answer me do I look like omar borkan and can be a model be honest.[just remove some fat from your face you’ll be better bro].
people are jealous from his beauty.
Im talking about Imran abbas.What do you think.
In my opinion you look like a model in this picture just lose wieght
Gordan bratt have a narrow eyes but its beautiful but this is some proves dude
and look
To be honest with you man im disagree with you about your rating, you rated myrtille 7\10 and nithin 7\10 never could be dude myrtille looks like arthur Gosse look
Or this photo dude with some photoshop surgeons
Yeah, you have resemblance with that model.And why you are disagreeing me on rating myrtille and nithin they are absolutely 7.I already look like omar I’ve told you we both got 50,50 you are saying that with some surgeries you could be like him.Same facial features.Dude I’m a supporter of racism I hate that guy. very ugly.you are better than him.What about me.What about that guy.
You can be look like him by smaller nose surgry and biger plump lips surgery, and make your grow your hair an make it silky, and get nice beard style, and a skin care or skin surgery, and that will take alot of money, about that guy i think he is getting nervos because i told him that i dont need to know his opinion, and he thought im comparing mysilfe with all of the models you sent, leave him a if he comparing his iQ with monkey the monkey will be ainshtin to his brain, and imagen that with me bro gordan bratt have very wide face with big cheeks pons and a narrow eyes if we make him fat and have a curly hair, and some acne or bad skin he will be from 9.5 to 7 or 6 do you agree
Just imagen
Who you r talking to and calling monkey IQ.I don’t wanna be like him.I always ask could I be a beautiful model like him but you don’t like him no problem your mind I respect your comment.not like you asking to be 100% gordan.He(Jubin) has used to many filters.I know at which beauty level he is standing.I’ve never compared yourself with anyone.you posted your fuckin gordan and were saying the most handsome model.I searched on him and couldn’t find him on google.Trust me.You mean to say that tom cruise Ronaldo they had some surgeries.Bro this website page should not be given a name of pink mirror it should be sink mirror.sinking in depression.my last comment everyone except us has left the page give me answer me or Jubin.I agree on your comment sorry for any bad words.
Your resemblance not with Jubin with the upper you’ve posted.can I be a handsome super model.
Yes you can and now do you think im look like this man
Monky iQ i was mean (sam) dont worry
Can you tell me what i have to do to be the same look with him like i told you
What do you think dude tha last question so you think am i as good looking as this man he is a model called luka sabbat.
He is a bad ass.by loosing fat you are better than him.what about me.we expest a perfection from a model and if we see any imperfection we rate him bad.In this case too many things wrong in him.What about him.
Can I be like that super model Jubin shah.
by some surgerys.
And last qustion do you think i could be 7 or more if i just lose wieght
Easily bro why not just loose some weight you can be 8 and above.
I told you bro he is not good looking there are many of models are not good looking people think that any model should be perfect, just some models are perfect, but what i was want to say that is not that hard to be handsome or perfect and i sent the proves tom cruse and Ronaldo that mean with some semple surgerys you can be like them if you take that picture, tom cros and tell people that he will be a handsome actor they will say hahahaha you know any one have a already good features to perfect just good, with some surgrys he will be perfect, do you agree dude.
Yeah, all the game around surgery
and you can be like jubin by 1.nose surgery 2.bigger or plump lips surgery, 3.make your hair silky(keratin), 4.get nice beard style like him after all of that tips you can be look like jubin and if you go to gym and make a nice good body with some muscels you will be better than him and now tell me what i have to change to be look like this man we both have same face proportion.
This man
Yeah absolutely you both have the same face shape just a chisled jawline and some blonde hair game on bro.why the hell are you comparing me with Jubin I don’t wanna be like him and can never be.He has a small face.He is 155cm I’m 195cm.I only asked could I be amodel like him not a model like his face.do I look like these actors answer me my friends use to say me you do.tell me who I look like the most.
like him
tell me in order step by step
see another pic.
or like him or omar.The man in blue shirt is sidharth malhotra with blue glasses.With black one is bilal ashraf.
You look like this man, make your hair silky it will looks better, about to be super model and to look perfect like jubin not (to have same face) do this tips that i told you, if you follow this tips you are will be more hotter than him you are taller than him its a good think and your face bigger than him its very nice big masculin face looks better than smaller face but to be honest with you you are handsome looking but not a super handsome like this supper hot models but its not hard to be like thim, that is the truth, the most man you look like is that man
For him i will say 8.7 and for you 8.5 just get silky hair like him
Yeah bro, i searched about belal ashraf and, yeah you look like bilal ashraf, both of you have same face shape and same lips and nose the diffrent betwen you and him is the eyes his eyes is smaller than yours.
He have a nose hump on his nose like you told me that you have a nose hump
You are intelligent in guessing he was listed at the 6th spot in handsome men of Asia search on sidharth Malhotra and tell me do I look like him last question.
Yeah you look like him minus(eyes)
about this man he is a super model called mathew noska and this video about how he start modeling https://youtu.be/ZxCjD4zIrug,and i dont really want to be a model, i want to become a programmer, you know pro programmers get alot of money like pell gates and stev jobs to be honest with you if you need to be super rich you have to become a programer thanke you pro for your honest.
And this video about how he makes his skin good and flawles, https://youtu.be/xjCRDumF_iE
Thx for commenting.Talking to me how to be rich.As you are good in guessing guess from where I should be.My age.
Your age maybe 22_25, and you are frome bakistan, am i right.
Oh no leyo,both guesses a bit wrong I’m only 18 but I look bigger in that pic because that pic was from Ipad with no filters even not haven’t washed my face I look far better than that pic I had many best pics of mine in my phone but you know.I live in Pakistan not bakistan but i’m a british birth in Scotland.What a lovely week with you.I hope you’ll be like Mathew one day.Best of luck!Sorry for any bad words ever used in past comments.
Yeah bro maybe you are look bigger than your real age because you have a full beard wich is nice,i hope you get an english girlfriend good luck bro it was very useful discussion thanke you bro.
And for sure you look like pakistanis people,you know most of pakistanis is beautiful.
Sorry for my bad english
I don’t feel proud to be called as paksitani.Do you feel by clean shave I’ll look younger.After it never answer me if I again ask anything.Thnx for above comment.
For sure dude you will look younger, i have a freind when he shave he looks like baby i think beard looks better.
Absolutely but beard for only someone I look hot in clean shave and English girls like clean shave.Thnx bro for an honest comment.
Hi can you guys rate me 1 – 10 please
Not done anything like this before but I am interested in how others perceive me. Appreciate the feedback
you are good looking.
I can’t realised how unlucky i am.i am just ugliest girl in the world.i expected atleast more than 10 out of 100(the app is updated) but I got just 5 /100 this really disappointed me☹️. now I lost all my hopes.i am not making any effect to get sympathised.but I warning u that don’t try if u have low confidence like.be happy
Thank you for reading
Don’t take it serious they rated my two pics 50,50 out a hundred.You are with us.Not less than 50.be confident.
this is nonsense. you are a good looking lady.
What?! For me you’re a solid 9/10. I think you’re stunning.
In reality that site is effed up. Your easily a 7.5/10. could you rate me out of 10. Don’t be nice. Be harsh. Their are 2 pics. If you could rate the one that looked better that would be great.
1-10? Be honest
7/10. Could you please rate me? thx
thank you.
No filters I admire that.you are 7/10 for .you have a cute nose.By having narrow nose surgery and a bit polish you are more than 9 or a model.Rate my two ones below
Are you talking to me or pio?
I’ll give you an 8/10
Ur 8/10
Do rate my pic below
Thanks! I did!
8.. I think you could be better with a smaller nose.
I rated you 5:32pm elle.they pasted it below.Rate my other cap pic below.
Thanks! I will!
I’d give u 8/10
Can u rate me?
Thanks! I’d say your an 8/10
Just fix your skin eyes is beautiful green eyes face shape is good, hair is very b hair, eyebrows very good shape and size your teath looks good just prush, i think your nose looks bigger because you are smileing some people when they smile the nose looks widder than real is it smile looks great overal rn you are 8.5 fix your skin you will be a model fore sure (great features)
The text is for you Elle
Thanks so much Leyo! Yes, my nose gets way wider when I smile You really think I could be a model?
To be honest with you yeah you can be a model you are perfect just some acne, and you have damn pretty smile, can you tell me what i have to change to be handsome like this man
Sorry for bad camera tell me honest like i told you what do you think i have to change to be more handsome
Hi, I saw your reddit post. I’m Jakoporeeno
Yes! I saw yours too!
Hey Elle, just wanna ask you some questions.Am I handsome enough to make an English girlfriend?have you ever seen an English girl having a boyfriend less handsome than me.Sorry if you mind but am I handsome enough to be your boyfriend.Have you ever had a boyfriend less handsome than me.Can I be a model.just answer me these ques.I’ll never ask you anything again.any suggestions.Be honest.Waiting thirstly.please,please answer.
Ummm Idk which picture is actually u
Sure! I found ur picture. Yes. Yes. Yes. No. Yes.
Sorry for nonsense Qustion i was need to know what surgerys can an average looking guy do to be look like a model but forget this question, can you just tell me do you think if i lost some wieght i will be good looking guy that is my last qustion in this Website please tell me please tell me do i look good.
I think you already are a good looking guy, but if you lost some weight around your face it would bring out your jawline and your cheekbones and make you more attractive. I honestly don’t think you should worry about losing too much weight unless you want to. You are already very attractive.
Thanke you so much elle yes i have to lose some wieght to make my face sharp and i will tell you that your very attractive girl (your face is attractive)and(your personality is attractive) and i will go to gym to lose some wieght and my jaws are wide and i have a hight cheekpons thats the reason why i have big cheeks and yes you are right this weight disapering my jawline thanke you i hope i get beautiful kind girl friends like you
You’ev answered me according to which pic black shirt or white.I couldn’t understand no.I know you might have boyfriend like Chris evans,Bradpitt.Tom cruise.But no one less or equal to me.I mean I’m 18 6’5 and this was not the best one.Any demerits in me to become equal to your boyfriends.your no forced me to ask further.Thnx for 4 yes.
Asking you Elle.
Hey sorry hammad. I think I misunderstood your question somehow. For some reason I thought u were asking if u were uglier than my past boyfriends. But now that I read the question more carefully the answer is yes. Sorry
Waiting for your answer…………..
I answered you didn’t I?
At last, a lovely comment by a lovely girl.Thnx for a final yes.If its true.I don’t believe.Any thing in me to be improved and shut the doors between you and me.I have to do a lot of study.
And the last qustion elle my friends telling me that im look like that man do you think im look like him please tell me (yes, No)
Compare with this photo
As of right now, you sort of look like him. If you lost weight in your cheeks, you will look exactly like him minus the hair color.
Thanke you elle, yeah my hair color is brown
you look gorgeous 9
Hey guys! rate me, please. (1-10)
8.5/10 🙂
I was rated 9,9.5 or even 10 by different websites.pink mirror rated me only 50.I was so depressed.Iused my 110% pure pic no filters rate me1-10
I’d say you’re around an 8/10. Could you rate me? Thanks.
In this pic u are an easy 8.5
Do rate my pic bro
Definitely an 8 or above.
What do you think?
sorry to say bro. but I think you look like girls.
no Offense.
It’s all good, I’ve thought that as well. I am extremely uncomfortable with how I look as it’s got me into some bad situations.
Chill bro !
U can get a great haircut and hit the gym
If I think your young then there’s still a lot of changes to appear in yourself.
All that matters is how u r as a person.
Do rate my pic bro
the rating system is completely off . I uploaded people on here who are model worthy and they only got 50 to 55. before this new change i was getting 8 no matter the lighting or angles but now I only get 50 based on the angle and lighting .if you take professional pictures it will give you a high rating.if its a bad quality photo but your still attractive it will only rate you 10 out of 100.i can’t take this site seriously anymore .it’s a joke . it’s too inaccurate. I would recommend not following a website for esteem issues and go about what people think and say about you offline.
I know. I got 16% . I don’t get it
you are not 16% your pic style looks a bit unattractive.you are around 7.5-8
what about that rate me thanks.
OH!shit that 16% and 7.5-8 was for Pio not me they pasted below my pic.
Elle why for me 8 means I’m like sky.No difference.My rough one 8+.It should be opposite.I apologize if you disliked the surgery comment.I just wanted to make you a model.Sky can never be 8.
U are not at all 16 %
I can say the pic is not that clear
U are 7.8 .
Do rate me
I respect your comment I’ve also uploaded some actors pic.They rated Roman reings 10.24 and othe pic 99.25.you are 200% right its a joke and inaccurate
Hey, I rated you. Could you do the same? Thanks.
Yes this is true it is based on picture quality. I have gotten anywhere from 50 to 99. I am an actress and was a model but I am currently 37 years old so getting 99 is a compliment for sure. I notice the app changes my eyes and jaw in a weird way sometimes (makes it too narrow) I would not take this seriously!
What do guys think? What do you rate me out of 10?
in my opinion a 7.5
9.9 bro let that hair grow you will be 10.00
I got 50.00, but I would like to know what you think.
I got 50.00, a bit sad
I would like to know your opinion guys
You are not ugly, I would give you a 78.00 🙂
I appreciate it Marco
Guys can you’ll rate my pic from 1-10 ?
7/10 bro.
You are 6.5-7.By grooming yourself you can be 8 or above.
8/10 handsome!
7/10 you look good!
Good 10/10 great looks
I’ll give you a 7.5-8. You’re not ugly. You look better than most people.
Thanks Gerome!
No problem.
Dear PinkMirror admirers,
I would like to share a news from our chief beauty scientist. Please expect a major change in beauty score calculation. The reason for this change is to make the scores more accurate. In order to improve the visibility of score, our scientist will change the scale from 0-10 to 0-100. Stay tuned.
Nice hair niceface shape eye brows looks big alittle bit in my opinion your nose will be better if you get a small tip, lips is very good now your 6.8 if you fix this things you will be 7.9 or more idk its my honest opinion but you look very fine rn you are not ugly at all.
I’ve always considered myself average…but here my rating is 8.69. So I want to know what people would actually think irl. Rate my photo please.
My score in other photo was 8.9
Honestly 7 i think with out glasses will be beter
Can you tell me what is good in my face and what is bad then i will tell you
Rate me please
This is my another pic guys,during the lockdown.
Do rate me from 1-10
Hey, you look very beautiful, you’re not at all average looking , you’ve a good jawline, nice nice and sharp nose!!
Rate me please
Thanks Luis
I appreciate that
It cute I’d give a rating of 7-9 rate me plss
Thanks shetty
Shetty R u Indian
Me too then
Your super cute. 9/10 and I am not being nice. could you rate me out of 10. Don’t be nice. Be harsh. Their are 2 pics. If you could rate the one that looked better that would be great.
So cute, that rating is pretty accurate
Rate me pls
You’re 7/10.
nice!!! 8.5/10
rate me you too.
I got an 8.5/10 but I’m curious what real people think.
Not my type. Proportion is probably 8.5 but in my eyes your a 6.5/10
Hey Emma I got 8.69 out of 10
I wanna know your opinion
I am 16 now
You are charismatic
You have very expressive eyes
As per my views you are 9.4 straight off the bat
Dude look in this site people not telling the truth they are laying so match i cant under stand that some people gives some one 2or3 and some people give 7or 8 i can say that now its bullshit!!
Hi! I am 14 and from Ukraine, I got an 8.69 rating but I feel like it’s not true. Can someone please tell me what things I should improve about my face to make it prettier? Thank you 🙂
As per my opinion you are cute
May be 8 out of 10
You just look unhappy and that’s not very attractive but besides that I think you’re a 7.8. you’re adorable and still maturing so you don’t need to change anything
8.5/10 can you rate me
You should improve nothing at all. Embrace yourself as you are and as far as my concern you are way too pretty. Never change yourself for anyone, if you do you will face misery ahead.
Bottom line: You are beautiful.
I got an 8.6
But I’d like you guy’s opinion. I don’t wear makeup so right off the bat, not doing so well I also do have some acne.
I think you’re an 7.5, your eyes are very attractive
Rate this pic. I am eagerly waiting
I think you’re very adorable and cute, 8.5/10
Hi can you guys rate me 1 – 10
Is that really you? I think I saw the same guy once somewhere. Anyways, you’re a 10 for many people because you possess the qualities of a handsome face.
Your super cute and handsome 10/10 straight of the bat.
you are super cute
I got 9.34 rating what your opinion
I agree. Can you rate me?
In my opinion …you deserve…7.5-8.4
Can you guys rate me here?
Any improvements?
U look the same in the before and after
Here we go
You are good just change your smile its look like jocker
I wish I could change my smile but I have braces haha
8/10, you’re very cute
This is a better picture of me, in the previous one my face wasn’t straight
Wait I’m not managing to get a picture
Is this is alright or previous one.
OMG you look adorable
Are you Indian?
Yes…Iam Indian
You look charming
Can you guys rate all my aperance please and tell me about my nose size
and do you think i have to get nasal surgry or its good for my face
dw nose looks bigger on webcam because they are closer. actually a lot of people did plastic surgery to look good on selfy but irl it’s not necessarily better.
if u want to look better on picture tho u can take it from further so the quotient of all distances is lower.
you’re ok but Idk yore not my type
What do you think? Rate it out of 10 please