Face Reshaping Golden Proportion

Analysis for Face Attractiveness: What Are the Scoring Ranges and Factors?

Certain Dimensions And Ratios Create Harmony among Facial Features, which Decide Your Attractiveness!

To determine the Face Attractiveness Score, PinkMirror analyzes the geometric proportions of facial features such as the eyes, nose, lips, etc., and the distance between those. When the face analysis is finished, you are able to see which features of your face determine your beauty score.

Beauty is in the balance of these face analysis features, which artists from the NeoClassical era called the Aesthetic principles. These aesthetic principles are analyzed from the portraits, and they are then drawn and extracted into three generic rules. The ‘Rule of Fifths’, the ‘Rule of Thirds’, and the ‘Rule of 77’.

Rule Of Fifths

A proportionate face may be divided vertically into fifths, with each of those fifths being approximately the width of one eye. Aesthetic balance is considered ideal when the facial features fall within these dimensions. The width of the base of the nose is approximately equal to the distance between the eyes.

Rule of Thirds

Leonardo da Vinci, that all-around genius of science and art, developed a formula for determining a well-balanced face. He found that a well-balanced face can be evenly divided into thirds, vertically. The top third is from your hairline to the top of your brows. The middle third is from the top of the brows to the bottom of your nose. The bottom third is from the bottom of your nose to your chin.

Rule of 77

The above two rules deal with frontal features, and it is only one aspect of facial beauty. The third rule deals with the lateral depth or, in other words, side view.

The Frontal Face Analysis

The most attractive facial features irrespective of gender are the following.

  • Eye Cantal Tilt – A positive title is more attractive.
  • Bitemporal To Bizygoma Ratio – A smaller Bizygomatic width is preferred.
  • A lower facial fat deposit

When it comes to the facial attractiveness of each gender, sexual dimorphism comes to play. For example, the attractive frontal facial features specific to females are the following.

  • Bigonial-to-Bizygomatic Width Ratio – A smaller Bigonial width is preferred
  • Chin-to-Philtrum Length Ratio – A smaller ratio of Chin length is preferred.

On the contrary, the attractive features of males are as follows.

  • Mouth-to-Nose Width Ratio – A larger ratio of Mouth length is preferred.
  • Eye-to-Eyebrow Margin- A shorter margin between the Eye and Eyebrow is preferred.

The Beauty Scale

The Rule-of-Fifths, Rule-of-Thirds, and Rule-of-77 are simple representations of a complex interplay of aesthetic measures between different parts of a beautiful face.

In this beauty scale, the following aspects are considered.

  • Face structure (Frontal and Lateral Dimensions)
  • Symmetry (between the left and right side of the face)
  • Feature structure (Shape of individual features such as eyebrow, nose, etc.)
  • Skin quality (Skin Tone and Skin Clarity.)

Skin Tone: Skin quality must be mostly even across the face.

Skin Clarity: Lesser spots and wrinkles. The radiance of the skin showoff the health of the person.

Important Notice:

Please note that the face attractiveness score system with PinkMirror has limitations; hence it is not final. Beauty is the proportion of the whole face rather than just the individual features, so please use these values for informative purposes.

Score – [0 ~ 1]

Image Courtesy

With this face analysis score, the results may determine a very unattractive face because there is hardly any symmetry with the features.

Score – [1.0 ~ 2.9]

Image Courtesy

With this face analysis score, the results determine an unattractive face because the symmetry is not inline, and the proportions are not great.

Score – [3.0 ~ 6.9]

Image Courtesy

With this face analysis score, the results determine an average face because the facial symmetry is almost there. This group is the general population.

Score – [7.0 ~ 8.9]

Image Courtesy

With this face analysis score, the results may determine a beautiful and attractive face because the symmetry is close to perfect.

Score – [9.0 ~ 10]

Image Courtesy

With this face analysis score, you are exceptionally beautiful and belong to the top 10 percent of the population. But there is also a chance that you are wearing heavy makeup or the face is surgically enhanced.

The Angle of the Face and Score Variations

The variation of the face score generally has to do with the angle at which the photo is taken and the resulting variation in the pose of the face. When you add a photo in for beauty analysis, it is important to use photo with the person looking straight into the camera in order to do accurate calculations. The Rule-of-fifth, Rule-of-third, and Rule-of-77 are formulated based on photos with faces looking straight at the camera.

Face-Attractiveness-Analyzer finds the most beautiful celebrities.

PinkMirror AI analysis finds the most beautiful celebrities of 2022. What is your Beauty Score? Find it here.

External links on Face Analysis:

Rate your photos by the public on our Discord Channel!

Rate your photos by the public
PinkMirror Discord Channel!

2,133 replies on “Analysis for Face Attractiveness: What Are the Scoring Ranges and Factors?”

You have downward eyes and slight asymmetry and everyone perceives beauty differently. But 8 is not bad am i right?

Hmm, not gonna lie, ur really pretty, u gotta move smile, and I dig the gaze of your eyes. 8.5 easy

Scared to post this but I already gave advice to other ppl here! My face is asymmetrical and very childlike I think. I’m curious to know any of the following: rating out of 10, what age you think I am, and (most importantly) any advice you have for me

Now hmm… your face symmetry looks pretty good…. and I could tell you have a pretty smile…I think your a decent 7.5 lml…. also, you look like you could be around 26

You look nice but it’s a no on the sideburns. Just keep the goatee. Idk if it’s the lighting but maybe try teeth whitening a bit? They’re not bad but a white smile always looks nice. Dreads/ shaved sides would look great w/ your face shape. Really love the shirt!! I’d wear it too even though I’m a girl. I think you look very handsome and kind innocent in a way? You remind me of CoryKenshin! Final score: 7.5/10

Ayeethanks for the honest rate lml… I’ve been thinking about getting rid of my sideburns…I didn’t realize, but I think I might have used a snap filter lmao

You are so prettyyyyy wow! Your face has nice proportions and you have large eyes and lips that compliment the other features. Your cheeks are rosy and you seem to have perfect eyebrows and hair! I’d say 9/10 at least 😀

I constantly see a warped perception of myself in the mirror, this honestly gave me a bit of a confidence boost.

I constantly see a warped perception of myself in the mirror, this honestly gave me a bit of a confidence boost. I’ve completely turned my life around during the pandemic so I honestly don’t know how other people see me now.

I think u look pretty cute, ya got sum pretty luctious lips, and a decent symmetrical face, not too mention the long beautiful brown hair u got…a solid 8 from me

My acne is having a hard time letting go of me like a clingy lover. But I’ve change my hairstyle. Someone said too on this site. Does this fit well? To me okay. And I wouldn’t mind a rating of my looks. Thank you. And before you say “if you smile you’ll look better” it feels awkward for me to smile at cameras. Also don’t girls get pissed off when guys say “you’ll look prettier if you smile”?

I have struggled with acne for years now so you’re def not alone! If it helps I use Adapalene/Benzoyl Peroxide prescription and soothe pain or redness I get with aloe vera. More on topic- I like your nose and eye color. Your eyebrows are strong and you have a good jawline. I think the hair suits you well, but you have a heart shaped face. Therefore this hairstyle is good when the top is grown out more. Look up hairstyles for men’s heart shape face for styling. I can tell the cut suits you. Overall I’d say 7/10! Looking good 🙂

Just in case the moderator determines I used swear words inappropriately :#

Ohhhh Bonnie! Noooo I don’t see it that way. The way I see it the person describing you as a 0 actually is telling you and everyone else more about who they are as a person rather than the other way around. I’m sorry you had to experience that. And if it was a computer, well it’s a darn computer it doesn’t even know the first thing about what really makes someone truly attractive. I say middle finger “screw”that! <3

I’d give u an 8-9. Everybody has a type. I find tan brunettes extremly captivating but your face is beautiful. <3

Ohhhh Bonnie! Noooo I don’t see it that way. The way I see it the person describing you as a 0 actually is telling you and everyone else more about who they are as a person rather than the other way around. I’m sorry you had to experience that. And if it was a computer, well it’s a damn computer it doesn’t even know the first thing about what really makes someone truly attractive. I say middle finger fuck that! <3

This is how seeing all your beautiful faces makes me feel! Here’s to everyone, we all is 10s across the board y’all. 😉

Smiling because of all the intriguing faces I was able to see this morning on pinkmirror. Such an amazing collection of self portraits we’ve put together, it’s pretty awesome.

What I believe to see is a well portioned face. Personally for me I noticed your eyes first, they have this wonderfully elegant curve to them. After taking in your eyes I found that I really liked the way your nose comes to a soft yet defined point. You have great cheekbones as well, and the lips of every girls envy. That being said, I’m going to rate you at 9 out of 10. Cheers

Just turned 29 a couple weeks ago.. it’s crazy how quickly the years have gone by. Rate me if you like, I’m interested in your opinion.

Pls rate me and be honest and when I say honest I mean honest! I know I’m not as pretty as most girls so I wanna know what people think other than my friends. And yes I am a girl. I just don’t like dressing and having long hair like some girls Lmao. Also how old do I look?

I’d say you’re about an 8.75, I see very natural beauty and well proportioned features. I’m also going to guess and say I think you’re probably about…gosh I don’t know..17?? Also I can definitely tell you’re a female you have a feminine jawline and perfect little chin.

Hello, I think that you are pretty but the lighting doesn’t really help.
You have
plump lips
big eyes
Symmetrical nose
And and a good face shape I see a lot of celebrities with your face shape (smooth chin, small chin)

Guys prefer girls that smile more
Women prefer guys who are more serious
From the picture it seems that you have a good skin which indicates good health

The rest of the rating depends if people prefer someone with makeup or without makeup
If someone prefers wide face or thin face
Or like how your short hair looks on you vs long hair.

But you are pretty!

I agree with VV, I think if you got a cleaner/sharper haircut or style it would make you even more attractive. However, without a doubt I’d find you most attractive (we’re talking a 10/10 here) if you decided to grow your hair out. I think long dark thick wavy or curly hair on guys is so appealing! You have very aesthetic features though, so I’d say you’re a solid 8.5 out of 10.

Depends on what hairstyle you choose for your face shape. Undercut pixie hairstyle might look good on you??. I’m no hairdresser

I will BE brutaly honest With you
You are so pretty …very attractive!!!
From 1 to 10 i say about 8.5
Ciao bella

Hi can someone give me a brutally honest answer on whether or not I’m attractive?? Please be honest!!! I’m not wearing any makeup altho I did curl my hair…

I will BE brutaly honest With you
You are so pretty …very attractive!!!
From 1 to 10 i say about 8.5
Ciao bella

ok, girl you look like a model, yes your attractive! I wish I had people rating me like that, youre a solid 9 maybe 9.5/10 the best anybody gave me was a 8.69/10, wish i was as beautiful as you. have a nice day

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