Nicki Minaj - Facial Feature - Eyebrow Curvature

Your Brow Average Curve Angle measures 158 degrees, which is considered moderate. In terms of facial aesthetics, 'very wide' is seen as the most attractive by current beauty standards.

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Why are arched eyebrows more attractive?

According to the study by Sclafani at the Department of Otolaryngology, The New York Eye & Ear Infirmary concludes that “The eyebrow is most pleasing when the brow peak is located above the lateral limbus”.

Griffin & Kim(2013) report that the ‘ideal’ eyebrow gap(to maximize female attractiveness) is created when the upper border is “20 to 25mm above the lateral canthus”. These authors suggest that the proximal location of the brow’s peak corresponds both to desirability and age in women. In youthful females, the peak(or highest point) of the eyebrow occurs proximally to the lateral canthus(or corner of the eye), whilst in the ageing women, it gradually moves, becoming more medial. As we age the medial extent of the eyebrow naturally rises, meaning that over time our natural eye to eyebrow height also changes. As with many other facial features, the aesthetics or ‘attractiveness’ of our eyebrows is not fixed but instead changes along with time.

According to the analysis of the data discussed by Jian Zhao et al., in the range of 3–4 and 4–5 of attractiveness scores, the average transverse to longitudinal ratio raises continuously with the increase of eyebrow curvature parameter interval, and this variation is more pronounced in the range of 4–5 score.This suggests that rounder faces are better matched with higher curved eyebrows, while longer faces are better matched with lower curved ones.

McKinney et al. measured the brow height in 50 women 14 to 32 years of age. The average distance from the top of the brow to the mid pupil was 2.5 cm(range of 2.3–2.9 cm), and from the top of the brow to the anterior hairline was 4.8 cm(range of 4.0–6.2 cm). Other measurements such as medial canthus to top of the brow, lateral canthus to top of the brow, and lid margin to the top of the brow have also been “determined”.

According to James C. Alex, the ideal shape, length, and position of the brow must be appropriately altered to fit different shapes of faces.For instance, in round faces the brow is kept shorter and placed higher, as a longer lateral third would produce a moon - shaped face.

Also, Baker et al., conclude that the ideal brow may differ from the classic description when applied to the long or square face. In long faces, a flatter brow may give the illusion of fullness. In the square face, an accentuated lateral curvature may help soften the angles of the face.It may be difficult to achieve these modifications surgically, but it is important to be aware of the effect that brow shape has on facial shape.

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