Golden Proportion

What is an Eye canthal Tilt? Why is a positive tilt more attractive than a negative tilt among males?

Summary The eye canthal tilt refers to the angle between the internal and external corners of the eyes. Research by Codner et al. (2008) has identified three types of canthal tilt: positive, neutral, and negative. Several studies have emphasized the significance of a positive canthal tilt in male attractiveness. Specifically, an article by Volpe and […]

Golden Proportion

What is an Eye canthal Tilt? Why is a positive tilt more attractive than a negative tilt among females?

Summary An eye canthal tilt is the angle between the inner and outer corners of the eyes and plays a significant role in periorbital aesthetics. The tilt can be negative, neutral, or positive, with a positive tilt providing a more attractive, sharp, and youthful appearance. Studies, such as the one conducted at the University of […]