Golden Proportion

Why is a high set eyebrow more attractive than a low set among females?

Summary A high eyebrow type is considered more attractive than a low eyebrow type among females. In a study, subjects from various age groups ranked high eyebrows as the most attractive, with low eyebrows receiving the least preference. According to a study, highly set eyebrows are associated with female features. Two studies confirm that high-set […]


Why is a larger Bi-temporal width in comparison with Bi-Zygomatic width attractive among males

Summary A larger bi-temporal width in comparison to bi-zygomatic width is considered attractive among males. A study reported that an attractive male face was found to have a longer, more dolichocephalic shape compared to strong, dominant, and masculine-rated men. Unattractive faces often featured a rounded lower face, a vertically stretched chin region, and horizontal compression […]

Golden Proportion

Why is a larger Bi-temporal width in comparison with Bi-Zygomatic width attractive among females

Summary Bitemporal width is measured from the most lateral points on each side of the forehead, while bi-zygomatic width is defined as the distance between the most laterally positioned points on the zygomatic arches. A larger bi-temporal width in comparison to bi-zygomatic width is considered attractive among females. According to a study, an unattractive face […]

Golden Proportion

Why is larger lower lip height more attractive among females?

Summary Larger and fuller lower lips are considered more attractive among females, as they signify youth, femininity, and reproductive health. A recent medical publication highlighted that fuller lips in relation to facial width, along with greater vermilion height, contribute to beauty. This finding is supported by another study that explains that a more prominent lower […]

Golden Proportion

Why a sharper chin is more attractive than a flatter one among females?

Summary The shape of the chin is a crucial factor in facial appeal, particularly for females. A study found that a small or narrow chin is often linked to a more feminine appearance. Moreover, a study discovered that a slender face with a sharper chin angle is preferred over a face with larger bigonial width. […]

Golden Proportion

Why is a smaller nose width more attractive than a wider one among females?

Summary A smaller nose width is often considered more attractive among females. Research at the Catholic University of Roma, Italy found that a nose width smaller than ΒΌ of the facial width contributes to the perception of beauty. Another study supported this, with 64.8% of respondents preferring reduced nose proportions in women. Additionally, a study […]

Golden Proportion

Why is larger upper lip height more attractive among females?

Summary Fuller lips are considered attractive in women, playing a vital role in facial symmetry and aesthetics. A study found that a larger upper lip height relative to the lower lip’s height (with a 1:1.6 ratio) is particularly appealing, especially among young Caucasians. Full lips are associated with youth, femininity, and strong mating potential. Another […]

Golden Proportion

What is an Eye canthal Tilt? Why is a positive tilt more attractive than a negative tilt among males?

Summary The eye canthal tilt refers to the angle between the internal and external corners of the eyes. Research by Codner et al. (2008) has identified three types of canthal tilt: positive, neutral, and negative. Several studies have emphasized the significance of a positive canthal tilt in male attractiveness. Specifically, an article by Volpe and […]

Golden Proportion

What is an Eye canthal Tilt? Why is a positive tilt more attractive than a negative tilt among females?

Summary An eye canthal tilt is the angle between the inner and outer corners of the eyes and plays a significant role in periorbital aesthetics. The tilt can be negative, neutral, or positive, with a positive tilt providing a more attractive, sharp, and youthful appearance. Studies, such as the one conducted at the University of […]