A small ratio of Interpupillary-Width to Bi-zygomatic-Width is considered attractive for males, whereas, a larger ratio is considered as attractive for females. Research spanning various journals has delved into facial differences between males and females. Velemínská et al. (2012) in the Journal of Comparative Human Biology discussed how puberty in males, influenced by testosterone, leads to facial elongation, smaller eyes, and wider cheekbones, among other features. This suggests males have closer-set eyes compared to females. This observation aligns with Cunningham et al. (1990) from the University of Louisville, where male drawings with smaller eyes were deemed more attractive and dominant. Contrarily, Schmid et al. (2008) in The Journal of Pattern Recognition Society found wider eye spacing to be attractive in females. Such differences have given rise to terms like “aggressive hunter eyes” in males and “submissive dove eyes” in females. Another dimension to facial differences is the cheekbone width. Lakhiani and Somenek (2019) and Velemínská et al. (2012) both concur that males possess wider cheekbones. In summary, males typically have closely set eyes and broader cheekbones than females.
In the Journal of Comparative Human Biology, Velemínská et al. (2012) highlighted that during puberty in males, the influence of a high testosterone-to-oestrogen ratio results in various facial changes. Among these changes are “an overall elongation of the face, relatively smaller eyes, a larger nose, the lateral growth of the cheekbones, mandible and chin…” This contrasts with females, implying that females generally have wider-set eyes. Similarly, the research carried out at University of Louisville by Cunningham et al, (1990) found that “women rated male drawings with the combination of four mature features of thick eyebrows, small eyes, thin lips, and square jaws, as more dominant and more attractive than faces with thin eyebrows, large eyes, thick lips, and round jaws.”

On the other hand, another research in The Journal of Pattern Recognition Society by Schmid et al. (2008) while analyzing the role of symmetry, neoclassical canons, and golden ratio in the determination of attractiveness of a face suggested that “a larger distance between the eyes” are desirable traits for females.

Therefore, this close set of eyes in males, colloquially termed “aggressive hunter eyes”, contrasts with the more “submissive dove eyes” seen with wider-set eyes among females. The “hunter eyes” are thought to denote dominance and assertiveness, traits historically associated with male roles, especially in hunter-gatherer societies.
As far as bi-zygomatic width is concerned, according to Lakhiani and Somenek (2019), the inter-zygomatic distance, which essentially measures the width between the cheekbones (zygomatic width), is typically larger in males. This means that males generally have wider cheekbones compared to females, who have a slightly less wide zygomatic width. Velemínská et al. (2012) also indicate that the high testosterone-to-oestrogen ratio in males results in “the lateral growth of the cheekbones”, further reinforcing the observation of wider cheekbones in males.

Therefore, these studies shows males generally have closely set eyes (small interpupillary width) and a wider zygomatic width, which would result in a smaller ratio of interpupillary-width to bi-zygomatic-width.
Velemínská, J., Bigoni, L., Krajíček, V., Borský, J., Šmahelová, D., Cagáňová, V., & Peterka, M. (2012). Surface facial modelling and allometry in relation to sexual dimorphism. Homo, 63(2), 81-93.
Lakhiani, C., & Somenek, M. T. (2019). Gender-related facial analysis. Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics, 27(2), 171-177.
Cunningham, M. R., Barbee, A. P., & Pike, C. L. (1990). What do women want? Facialmetric assessment of multiple motives in the perception of male facial physical attractiveness. Journal of personality and social psychology, 59(1), 61.
Schmid, K., Marx, D., & Samal, A. (2008). Computation of a face attractiveness index based on neoclassical canons, symmetry, and golden ratios. Pattern Recognition, 41(8), 2710-2717.
5 replies on “Why is a small ratio of Interpupillary-Width to Bi-Zygomatic-Width Ratio attractive among males?”
Lastly and if anything, wide set eyes looks more masculine to me than normal set, but you keep trying to push those far apart eyes that are associated with Down syndrome, autism, fetal alcohol syndrome, Orbital hypertelorism, Waardenburg syndrome . That’s why sites like you need to convince people that it’s “feminine” because most people first thought when looking at someone with far apart eyes is if they have any retardation or syndrome, not that it’s “feminine”. If that’s the case fetal alcohol syndrome and Down syndrome people are the most feminine looking girls. Maybe that’s your agenda, to make retards look pretty/normal looking and to make Africans/East Asian, and mutts feel better about their hideous shape far apart eyes. Most people consider East Asian and Africans eyes ugly for a reason and one of those reasons is because of the huge distance between their eyes. Considering most of the writers on this blog are Jewish and East Asian, it’s no surprise you’re pushing this idea that far apart eyes are feminine, because most Asians have far apart eyes, and so do many Jews like Kendra Schmid herself who is a jew. this just another Chinese/Asian propaganda to try and change the beauty standard, with the help of jews, if you have to convince people these traits are beautiful and feminine then they are clearly not, if you have to let people know what’s feminine and masculine then you have an agenda because most people naturally can figure these out. Again, no one finds far apart eyes feminine, it’s an idea you have to put in other people brain, like a trick to make you convinced on what’s feminine and not.
“kendra schmid” Jewish lady Whom has far apart eyes herself also stated in “studies” that scientists adopted the mathematical formula to determine attractiveness. To get the ratio measurements of the face are taken and calculated. To get the ratio measurements of the face are taken and calculated. Schmid said that on a perfect face the length of an ear is equal to the length the nose, and the width of an eye is equal to the distance between the eyes.
“width of an eye is equal to the distance between the eyes.” It’s what they determine for attractive eyes, for BOTH females/males. Therefore her claim that women need “larger distance” between the eyes goes out the window. They can’t even keep up with their “studies” if they’re saying two different things. Is wide set eyes beautiful on women or does the width of the eyes have to be equal to distance between the eyes, also known as normal set eyes? The real answer is, neither is close set nor far set eyes attractive on females nor males. It’s normal set eyes aka width of an eye is equal to the distance between the eyes, that are considered beauty standard are women, it’s symmetrical, which is what most beauty is based on, considering your blog wants to pretend normal set eyes don’t exist and that you either have wide set or close set, plus the fact you people are trying to add normal set to the wide set eye range to silence it.
“Beauty studies” and “researchers” or beauty blogs like this have an agenda to push what features are feminine and masculine just like Kendra, but you guys suck at it because you will change your words up and use studies from China or non irrelevant study that proves nothing. It’s very clear the agenda is to push east/southeast/ South Indian and black African features and make the beauty standard for the future, so keep pushing your lies and propaganda.
“kendra schmid” yes, let’s trust a jew that has far apart eyes herself, she looks like she suffers fetal alcohol syndrome with demonic far apart eyes. Yet you want us to believe it looks feminine on women? yes let’s trust her source it’s not like she has agenda like you Chinese, it’s not like this was around the time jews tried push Asian females onto white population just so China/East Asian nations can have more loyalty. Firstly, EVERYONE naturally relates far apart eyes with syndromes like FASD, autism, Down syndrome . No one ever looks at far apart eyes and thinks feminine eyes, it’s one of the reason East Asians and Africans have ugly eye shapes . Because of the distance between the eyes.
Now, I love how Chinese/Jews like to classify only close set and wide set, but never normal set range eyes that are neither far apart nor close set. By doing this, you’re classifying normal set as wide set too. Therefore Only a little distance between the eyes looks good on women, not “larger than distance” which is sneaky way of putting it but they mean just tiny bit enough to look normal set.
In your other blog, you said thick eyebrows were better looking on females now you’re saying thin eyebrows are? How is that considering the older you get the more you loose your brows ? Ching Chong’s can’t make up their mind
In NONE of those studies do they mention wide set eyes in females. You speak about wide set and close set but never normal set eyes? And by wide set, it’s only tiny space, it doesn’t mean they have to be extremely far apart. Ching chong your eyes will never be beuatiful