Golden Proportion

Why is longer eyebrows better than short eyebrows for males?

Summary In the realm of facial aesthetics, longer eyebrows are seen as a hallmark of masculinity. Gupta et al. (2017) in their study published in the Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery noted that the average eyebrow length for men is 5.5 cm compared to 5.0 cm for women. This indicates that longer eyebrows contribute […]

Golden Proportion

Why is a larger ratio for Mouth Width To Nose Width attractive among males?

Summary A larger ratio of mouth-width to nose-width is considered attractive. Research shows that the width of a person’s mouth compared to their nose can influence how attractive they’re perceived to be. Dawei et al. study in 1997 found that a mouth width about 1.5 times larger than the nose width is generally seen as […]

Golden Proportion

Why is a small ratio of Interpupillary-Width to Bi-Zygomatic-Width Ratio attractive among males?

Summary A small ratio of Interpupillary-Width to Bi-zygomatic-Width is considered attractive for males, whereas, a larger ratio is considered as attractive for females. Research spanning various journals has delved into facial differences between males and females. Velemínská et al. (2012) in the Journal of Comparative Human Biology discussed how puberty in males, influenced by testosterone, […]

Golden Proportion

Why is a smaller Bi-gonial width attractive among females?

Summary Research has shown that a smaller bi-gonial width, the distance between the jaw’s two angles, is deemed attractive in females due to the resulting narrower facial appearance. Little et al. (2011) suggested a smaller bi-gonial width might be seen as attractive in females because it’s a pronounced female trait. Additionally, Jung et al. (2018) […]

Golden Proportion

Why are Small Eyes Attractive For Males?

Summary Three studies explore the role of eye size in perceptions of attractiveness and personality in males. Paunonen et al. (1999) suggest that larger eyes, associated with babyface features, are perceived as feminine, leading to personality attributions like honesty, agreeableness, and low dominance. Conversely, smaller eyes enhance perceived masculinity by lessening these associations. Cunningham et […]

Golden Proportion

Why is the larger Bi-Temporal Width attractive for males?

Summary Two recent studies explore key differences in male and female facial structures. The study by Faria et al. (2022) finds that males have a larger bi-temporal width, the distance between the temples, contributing to a wider face. This width often aligns with the bi-gonial distance (width of the lower jaw), leading to a more […]

Golden Proportion

Brow Thickness – Why are Thicker Eyebrows Better for Females?

Summary Thicker eyebrows are deemed more attractive in females, according to several studies. A study from Oakland University revealed that thicker eyebrows were seen as more attractive in women and influenced perceived attractiveness more than eye size or cheekbone prominence. Similarly, research based on Korean brow salon visitors indicated that thick eyebrows, which appear youthful […]

Golden Proportion

The Gendered Gaze: Decoding the Significance of Eye-to-Eyebrow Margin in Facial Asthetics

Summary A wider margin between eye and eyebrow is considered a feminine feature, while a shorter one is a masculine one. The position and shape of eyebrows and the structure of eyelids play significant roles in differentiating feminine and masculine facial features, according to research by Patel and Malhotra (2021), and Lakhiani & Somenek (2019). Women […]

Golden Proportion

The Power of Proportions: Unveiling the Feminine Appeal of a Shorter Nose Length

Summary A shorter nose length  is considered a feminine feature, while a longer one is a masculine one. The nose is a pivotal feature that significantly influences perceptions of attractiveness and gender. Research by Baudouin and Tiberghien (2004) highlights that a smaller nose is often associated with feminine attractiveness. A study by Altman (2012) confirms […]

Golden Proportion

From Subtlety to Beauty: Understanding the Enchanting Effect of a Small Bi-Zygomatic Width in Females

Summary The bizygomatic width, the distance between the cheekbones, varies between sexes, with men typically having a larger measurement. Caton and Dixson (2022) found that women’s mean bizygomatic width is 133.77mm. Young (1993) reported a slightly lower mean width of 131.81mm for women among U.S. civilians. Lakhiani and Somenek (2019) highlighted that despite men having […]